[8] The Great Queen || Dynasty (NSFW)

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Summer [June] - Third Year of High School

Summer Interhigh Day 1 Round 2

Aoba Johsai High vs Oomisaki High School



'It's me. Hurry up,' I called, leaning my head against the wall besides the door.  The rambunctious laughter in the boy's locker room quickly faded at the sound of my voice.

'Damn, is it that time already?' I heard Kindaichi yell.

'Stop getting distracted and put your shirt on, dumbass!' Hajime muttered gruffly.

The sound of squabbling and laughter resumed.

I stifled a yawn as I waited.

The day had finally come – the first day of the Summer Inter-High Preliminaries.

We had all awoken before the break of dawn to take the bus to Sendai City Gymnasium where their first games were being held.

I turned my head back to the door, ignoring the curious stares of passing students from other schools.

I was used to the looks by now.

Wearing the crisp white jacket of a powerhouse school was enough to draw attention. But a girl wearing one emblazoned with the number 1?

It always attracted stares and hushed whispers behind hands. Boys eyed the warmup jacket I wore with caution and girls rolled their eyes when they thought I wasn't looking.

I pulled the long jacket sleeves over my wrists and bit my lip as my thoughts once again wandered back to last night.

It was the first step of our ritual: Preparation of the mind aka mental grit and game strategies.

Tooru had the utmost confidence in the game plan we formulated and presented to the team this morning.

Success was virtually ours. I should be feeling imperturbable.

However, the events after we originally made the discovery about Karasuno's strategy remained imprinted on the back of my eyelids.

The trepidation I'd pushed to the recesses of my mind grew more powerful each day, feeding on my doubt and threatening to engulf my heart in darkness.

I needed to be stronger.


My fist slammed against the door more forcefully.

'It's nearly time to warm up. Are you all decent?' I asked cautiously, not wanting to accidentally walk in and cause a scene. I learnt this lesson the hard way in first year.

Despite the fact that they had half an hour to change, the boys tended to get distracted (doing what, I haven't the slightest clue) and were never ready when I came to get them. I'd always wanted to get closer to the boys but that was WAY closer than I ever wanted to be.

'I am more than decent, I assure – OWWWW IWA-CHAN!' Tooru screeched. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself to laughing.

The door swung open and the boys filed out the door past me, all chuckling under their breath and wiggling their eyebrows.

They were all well-acquainted with Tooru and I's pre-game ritual, especially after that time Hanamaki forgot his water bottle and caught us in first year. I was willing to bet that he told his best friend Matsukawa, who likely told the entire club and the rest is history. Though, the deep crimson scratches I left on his back probably also gave it away.

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