Part 20

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Ara tried, her best, to sleep. But no matter how long she kept her eyes closed, all she could think about was the war. There were a lot of things she changed. As she thought she realized that she didn't even know if sirius mentioned the 'weapon' to harry yet.
As she thought more, she wasn't sure if that piece of knowledge did good or bad for Harry.

Dumbledore wanted to keep Ara out of Order meetings as much as possible, in case she let slip unnecessary information, as he called it. Even Remus had tried to reason with him at that. But Ara had mutely left the kitchen, silently pulling along some extendable ears and handing them over to a very guilty looking Hermione, and leaving to her room. Loud shouts were heard and Sirius rushed behind her.
Dumbledore was being even more stubborn than Harry or so it seemed to Ara. The man made Hagrid leave for the giants, no matter what she said. Ara had even thought to slip a letter to Hagrid, but Remus didn't allow. Hagrid may not believe it.

She sighed deeply, rubbed her forehead in an attempt to soothe the oncoming headache. Finally giving up on sleep, she stealthily made way to the kitchen and perched upon a high chair, coffee in hand and mind lost in thoughts.

A noise startled her and she saw Harry stumbling towards the stove. "Hey, I will make coffee. Sit down. " He obeyed quickly. Ara made cofffee and sat next to him. "So.... headache or nightmare?" She asked. Harry stilled for a moment and looked at her. After a moment of silence, he drooped his shoulders and said,"Both."

Ara sighed,"Me too" Harry looked up at that, "well, can't say am glad. But it's a relief to have someone who...who understands." Ara smiled and ruffled his hair. "Er...Ara..?" Harry hesitated. "Yes, Harry?" She waited patiently. He sat on the kitchen slab next to her and sighed. "I...I always wanted to talk to alone.. you know... But I don't know what to say." He smiled nervously.
Ara nodded knowingly. "Don't worry Harry. I just want to tell you that whatever you feel, share it. With your friends or Sirius or Remus or anyone. Just talk whenever you feel.... frustrated... or angry... or scared.. anything. You are going through a lot Harry. You shouldn't be doing it alone. You are not supposed to bear this weight Harry. It's not fair... But Dumbledore..."

Harry said."Dumbledore will have his reasons. I...I just wish he would tell me..atleast.. I don't know " Ara frowned slightly as she said, "He has his reasons. But I hope he understands them. I have told him everything. But he... I don't understand. "

Harry said, " Dumbledore will do everything right. If you have told him everything then you needn't worry. In fact, none of us need to worry. I am sure he will fix everything. " Ara thought for awhile before nodding. They both sat in silence for sometime.

Then Ara leaned back and said," I also want to tell you a lot of things Harry. I... I am so worried about this year. I kind of wish you would stay back for an year and continue next year with Ginny's batch." She sighed. Harry frowned, "That bad?" Ara shuddered,"The worst." Harry smiled mischievously, "Gee! What a cheerful goodbye! Such a ray of sunshine aren't you?" Ara laughed, "Oh God. You are so like your godfather. I didn't know that" Harry beamed at her words and said, "Well now you do and you love me." He said as he jumped to sit on the chair.

"Tell me about your country. Your place. Future...anything. Do muggles still watch TV?" "Of course they do. You won't believe how much technology has improved..... Just imagine..." and Ara began explaining everything better in the future muggle world. They were both so engrossed in the conversation that both jumped when Sirius opened the door.

"Sorry...I" he murmured as his eyes shuffled between them. " er... what are you two so happy about?" He asked curiosly.
Ara got up "Come on Sirius. I am already making coffees. Harry?" "Yeah I want one too" he smiled. " No sleep Padfoot?" Harry asked to which Sirius shrugged. "Great. Come in. Join the club. " Harry waved him over to the couch he was sitting on.

Sirius had his biggest smile as he joined Harry's side. He hugged his godson sideways and tried to ruffle his hair, but Harry swatted his hand away. "No hair Padfoot" Harry said sternly. "Yeah that's allowed only for Ara." Sirius fake pouted as he lightly punched Harry's shoulder. "Yes, coz she does it well." Harry smiled as Ara handed them their coffees. Harry pulled Ara to his other side and comfortably put his legs over.
" But my coffee" Ara complained. "Sirius please get her coffee?" Harry gave his best puppy dog eyes. Sirius laughed as Ara mumbled about not having to trouble Sirius.

"Harry, puppy eyes don't work on me. I invented them. But sure I'll get Ara's coffe. And it's no bother, love, stop fretting." He handed her coffee and gently brushed a finger over her blushed cheek. He sat on Harry's other side and quickly found the boy's head on his lap. " Comfortable now, Little Prongsie ?" Sirius grinned.
Harry nodded. "Little prongsie?" Ara smiled. Harry and Sirius both grinned as Sirius said,"That was decided way before he was born. It was fixed the day James knew Lily was pregnant. He made us promise to call his child 'little prongsie'. " Harry said, "I love it" Ara smiled too.

"So what were you too chatting about? " Sirius asked again. Harry shrugged and said, " Oh Ara was just telling me how vintage bikes are still fashionable in her time." Ara hung her head as Sirius sat up, " Bikes? Whoa ... you like bikes too. Hey you mean my motorbike will still be ..." he trailed off. "So that's another thing you have in common." Harry said nonchalantly. "What?" Both Sirius and Ara whirled around to look at him. Harry opened his eyes to see Ara looking terribly scared and Sirius looking like Christmas came early. He chuckled softly and closed his eyes again. "Go on Ara. Tell me about royal Enfield bikes." He said.
" Royal Enfield is your favorite? " Sirius asked urgently.
"Er... I...I don't have a favorite exactly. I...I have seen royal Enfield because it was very popular over there. That's the only one I ever got to travel on" she whispered the last part, a look of longing in her eyes. "Who took you?" Sirius asked before he could stop himself. Ara stiffened and after a second shook her head slowly.
"Tell me how it feels, Ara. Riding on a bike." Harry said throwing a warning look at Sirius. Ara looked at him. " it like... like.. liberating. Like you have nothing to worry about. Nobody to shout at you. No targets to complete. Nothing .. you move quickly... the air cutting through... all you hair flying behind..." a genuine smile crept upon her face as she said. "It felt awesome." Harry smiled too as he said, "sounds like me flying. Wait till I take you on my firebolt. " Ara's eyes widened as she shook her head. "I will stay on land. Thank you very much." She said as others laughed. "Yeah that's very funny. Now Harry, get some sleep. Come on." Ara said. Harry asked," its very cozy with you two. Can we sleep here?please." She looked at Sirius who agreed with a smile. She smiled and nodded. Harry quickly jumped and reversed his position ,head on Ara's lap and legs over Sirius's. Ara slowly rubbed her fingers through his hair and Sirius watched both of them falling asleep.

He smiled happily as Ara's free hand subconsciously latched on his own. He whispered softly, "Just wait till I take you, my love.Vintage bikes..." he too closed his eyes.

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