Chapter 29: Revealing M.G

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Federico: We believe that someone has been watching my sister and her husband and now he is missing. Could we please take a look at the security video? Then we can even maybe show you the lady that has been working here since they've been here.

Sergio: Yes sure, follow me.

We went to the surveillance room and looked at all the footage during the past week. We saw that the lady started working there the same day we came. She came with a memory stick every 5 hours and took things off the computer.

Sergio: I've never seen this lady at all this past week.

He looked at a folder that was named 'Vargas Couple'.

Sergio: I've never seen this before. We don't have any cameras in any of the rooms.

Diego: Well I think this Rita lady installed one to watch you two.

Violetta: This is crazy, who is that lady and why is she stalking us?

Federico: I don't know, but we need to find out.

Diego: Wait, where's Stefan?

He wasn't anywhere in the hall. We ran back to reception and we only saw a note on the desk.

Federico: Here, he left a note!

Stefan: You guys don't listen, I've gone to find Leon. I think I know where he is. Go to the place where you can siren the sea for help. Get there as soon as you get this! - Stefan

We rushed to the car and we thought about what it meant.

Federico: It literally could be anywhere by the sea!

Diego: Maybe by the docks? The boats have like a siren call.

Violetta: Or maybe the lighthouse! Because you signal to the ships for help! That's where Leon is, he has to be there! Let's go!

We rushed to the lighthouse and we saw that a light was on inside. The door was opened slightly and the three of us went into the lighthouse's underground basement. As we entered, we heard movements and then I heard his voice. I ran to him without a care in the world, I just needed to be with him. I saw him tied by the ankles and wrists to a chair and he was trying to get free.

Violetta: Leon, my love! Let me help you!

I helped untie him and then Diego and Federico entered.

Federico: Hey bro, let's get out of here!

As we were about to run out, he stopped and watched us.

Violetta: What's wrong?

Leon: I'm sorry, who are you?

Violetta: That's very funny Leon, come let's go quickly please!

Leon: I can't leave my wife! I have to go save her!

Violetta: It's me, my love. It's Violetta, your wife! 

Leon: No, my wife's name is Rita.

Violetta: What? What are you saying? I'm your wife!

I was confused and heartbroken at the same time. He didn't recognise me, something was wrong. I then heard footsteps from behind. I turned around and it was her, Rita.

Rita: Seems like he doesn't know you anymore, too bad.

Leon: My love, there you are! Where have you been?

He ran to her and kissed her cheek. She smiled at him and I saw the way he looked at her, it was the way he always used to look at me.

Diego: What did you do to him?

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