Chapter 36: The Babies' Arrival

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I went into the room and saw she was lying in the hospital bed talking to a young-looking male doctor.

Dr.Hamza: Hi, so are you the father?

Leon: Yes, and husband. Hi, I'm Leon Vargas. Nice to meet you, uh Dr Hamza. Do you perhaps know another doctor with the same surname as you, maybe 6 years ago?

Dr.Hamza: Yes, indeed I do, that was my sister. So, I'm assuming you were one of her patients then?

Leon: Well actually, my wife was. Violetta was poisoned a few years ago. Your sister looked after and watched over my wife until the day she woke up from the coma.

Dr.Hamza: So, you're the young boy who gave her the bottle to find out if there was some kind of substance in? That was the only time she ever spoke in detail about work. Nice to finally meet you.

Violetta: I hate to break this lovely conversation up, but can you please tell my husband what you just told me before he came in.

Dr.Hamza: Sorry, yes Mrs Vargas. I told your wife that I have to wait until she dilates 7cm for me to proceed to the next phase of this process. It will take a couple of hours as she's 5 and a half centimetres dilated so far. Mr Vargas, if you need any help just ask.

Leon: Will do Dr Hamza, thank you.

He left the room and Violetta was struggling because of the pain.

Leon: I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Just keep taking deep breaths, okay.

Violetta: Thank goodness I'm getting an epidural! The pain is just getting too much for me!

After he left, he frequently came back to check up on how far she was. Before she got an epidural, she was getting pain every 5 minutes and it was intensifying every time. I did everything I thought would help. I massaged her temples, I held her back up and I tried to calm her down by singing, but that last one didn't work so well.

Leon: "Right now, everything's so right. Right now, we are so alive. Happy when you next to me, right where we are meant to be..."

Violetta: Leon! Do you really think this is the time to be singing!?

Leon: Sorry, this is just certainly the most stressful and difficult thing I've ever done before.

Violetta: You've ever done!? I'm the one giving birth soon! And to twins might I add, TWINS!

Leon: Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. The nerves are getting to me but let me rather shut up.

Violetta: That's the best thing you have said all day!

Even though I knew she was shouting at me because of the pain, I became nervous to say or do anything wrong. I just did exactly what she asked of me to do. After she got an epidural, everything became easier for her. Hours later, she was 10cm dilated and our babies were ready to enter this world.

Dr.Hamza: It looks like it's time, I need my team stat!

Leon: Are you ready, my love?

Violetta: Yeah, let's do this!

I let her squeeze my hand and supported her through the birth process. The babies were delivered smoothly, first came out our baby girl, and then 2 minutes and 16 seconds later, came our baby boy. The nurses cleaned the babies with a towel, handed our girl to me and handed our boy to Violetta. I was holding my baby girl for the first time and it brought tears to my eyes.

Nurse: We'll give you a few minutes alone with your children.

Violetta: Thank you so much.

Leon: Hello sweetheart, it's your daddy. I promise that I'll protect you from any and everything, okay. I love you so much.

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