Chapter 34: The Relationship Test

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After that night, everything settled down and people started to like me again because of what she did. She didn't fire Ingrid, even though I thought she should've. She didn't mind, she just carried on with her life and wrote many songs after each other. Days later, many producers and record labels wanted to work with her as they felt that everything she felt, she expressed in songs which they thought made the songs authentic and pure. We had a couple of meetings in New York and found out that today we're going to the studio to do a relationship test for BuzzFeed. When we got to the studio, we spoke to the producers. After, we sat down in front of the laptops and they began filming.

Violetta: Hi, this is Leon Vargas.

Leon: And this is Violetta Vargas, but some of you know her as Violetta Castillo.

Violetta: We're married!

Leon: To each other of course.

Violetta: Obviously to each other idiot.

Leon: I'm just making sure the audience knows that you're taken by me. So they don't get any ideas.

Violetta: You see this ring? You see, it's still on.

She put her hand in front of my face and then in front of the camera.

Leon: It better stay like that by the end of this.

Violetta: We'll see. Anyways, moving on...

Leon: Yes, so we're about to take a quiz to see how well we know each other.

Violetta: Please say that this goes well.

Leon: Violetta and I made a bet that the loser will have to do anything for the winner for 2 weeks.

Violetta: But there's no judgement.

Leon: No judgement.

I mumbled under my breath again and told the truth to the camera.

Leon: There's going to be judgement.

She heard me and responded immediately.

Violetta: Definitely.

Leon: Okay, let's go. Answer these questions about your significant other in the space block provided.

Violetta: Do you know their birthday? Well, I hope so... No I'm kidding, this one is easy. Yours is 15th May.

Leon: What year?

Violetta: You're a year older than me, so 1995.

Leon: Good. Yours is 21st March 1996.

Violetta: Awesome.

Leon: Okay, questionnaire over, it's a tie. Bye.

Violetta: You're very funny.

Leon: Haha I try. Well if you are in 1996, your age is 25.

Violetta: Which makes you twenty... You're twenty... You're turning...

Leon: Are you really struggling right now?

Violetta: What, no. It's 2021, so that makes you...

Leon: Just say it love.

Violetta: You are 26.

Leon: Good, yeah you're right.

Violetta: Thank goodness!

Leon: What's their astrological sign?

Violetta: You're a Taurus.

Leon: And you are an Aries, if I'm not mistaken.

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