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To: My Associates

From: Ava Paige, Chancellor 

So far the maze trials have been a complete success. The death of that runner boy, became a fabulous variable in finding the cure, causing the girl to react in such a way. Sending medical supplies for her was always part of the plan. She is not due to die just yet and leaving her with the challenge to overcome all this, provides us with much to work with.

Saying that, this new romance was unprecedented, yet, interesting. We always expected something along the lines for the girl, what with her being the only female; but we never anticipated that they would act on such feelings. It shall be interesting to see what becomes of A8 and A5; to see if this "love" stimulates any new brain activity in terms of variables.

It is an exciting part in the trials for all of us, and I look forward to seeing what plays out for the future.

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