1: the rules

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[Disclaimer: Before you start reading: I changed the plot and my writing style somewhere along the way of writing this. It improves a lot in the following chapters but due to being so busy I didn't find the time to edit this book yet.

Hope you enjoy it anyway♡]

"Breaking the rules isn't bad when what you're doing is more important than the rules itself" - Kim Harrison

Keytlin only ever had a few rules in her life. And with a few she meant a lot. At least people kept saying that about her. And yes, it could be true that she had a lot of rules.


Maybe more than a lot. But they were just to protect her. She probably sounded like a complete control-freak, and in some ways she was.

She liked it when everything was organized. And she had no intention to change that.

If you had rules you wouldn't get surprised in any bad ways.

Surprises would change her life, breaking her rules even more. And she didn't like changes. They were always unpredictable, and that took away her control over her life.

As long as she had those rules she had control. And as long as she had control she wouldn't get hurt.

Keytlin started making rules when she was ten. As time went by she added more and more rules. Some changed, some disappeared, some were new. Some she broke.

Today she had so many rules, she couldn't even list all of them. But she had also five rules that were the most important ones:

1. Never skip school just because you don't want to go there.

2. Never get kicked out of class.

3. Do what your mom tells you to do, always.

4. Don't drink alcohol or smoke.

And most importantly:

5. Never, ever, under no circumstances, exchange a nice word with Nate Jordan.

All of those rules had background stories. Every rule had their past. She had with every rule she had made an experience.

Accept for the fifth. She didn't want to talk to Nate because there were rumors. Big ones.

And she shouldn't judge Nate just because of what she had heard about him but the things she has heard, weren't innocent at all.

No one really knew him and she had no intention in getting to know him because she knew: If she does, her well-organized life will change and she was afraid of changes.


Nate was a typical bad boy. Smoking, drinking, drugs and one-night-stands weren't a rarity. And he had only one rule:

Don't ever fall in love, like ever.

Sounded easy but it's anything but.

It sounded strange that he had only one rule and that it was something like that.

But he never had any problem in keeping that rule. Girls ran after him, trying to get a piece of him.

They often did what he asked them to do. And those girls never had a problem in being just another girl on his list. Just another one who gave him what he wanted.

And he didn't plan in changing. Why would he? As long as there were girls he could use, he didn't care.

They were just there to statisfie him. Nothing else. He sounded like a jerk. But, by all means, it wasn't his fault that girls let themselves be played with like that. It wasn't his fault that they were so stupid, so naive, to get involved with him.

After all everyone knew that he didn't want a romantic relationship. He just wanted the one thing. It's not like it was a secret.

So he just kept it that way. Until he went away and came back almost half a year later.

And until Keytlin broke the most important rule of hers.


So this is the first chapter. Hope you like it. It is a short one. I'm sorry. The following will be longer, I promise.

In case you're asking: I want to try something new. In all stories I've written so far the boy always was kind and friendly and a gentleman and I somehow grew tired on it. So I created this story to change my writing a little.

This story really sounds cliché but I hope it won't be that way.

Anyway, starting from the next chapter I will write in present tense and either from Keytlin's perspective or Nate's, although I don't plan on doing Nate's perspective often but we'll see.

Leave thoughts in the comments, Love you♥

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