9.1: flashbacks

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It sucks, you know.
When everything is doing fine then, it all crashes again. And the worst part is, I really don't want to try and put it all back together again, but I have to•



3 years earlier:

I heard my mom's cries and sobs when I made my way to the bathroom earlier on the morning. Curiosity getting the best of me, I opened her door and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what was happening in front of me.

My mom was tied up to the bed with a man hovering over her. My dad was standing next to her, not even bothering to help her.

"Stop! No, please. John, please help me!", she cried and tried to free herself from the ropes but she was cut short when the man punched her in the face.

"Dad, do something!", I screamed causing everyone to turn to me. I backed off but ironically hit the wall with my back.

The man hovering over my mom got off of her and slowly made his way towards me, a deadly grin on his face. When he was just inches away from me he stopped.

"Look at that weak, little boy. Is it yours John?", he asked my dad, his cold voice made me shiver from fear. I was only 15, for crying out loud. I was afraid shitless. I was weak.

"Yeah, that's my son. Annoying little brat. Did I allow you to leave your room?", he snapped at me, disapproval clear in his voice.

"I'm sorry dad", I whispered. A frown made his way on his face at the choice of my words and I immediately realized my mistake, "I mean, sir. I'm sorry, sir. But I had to go to the toilet."

Panic went through me when I saw the glare he shot me and that's when I saw that he was drunk. His eyes are bloodshot and he can't even stand by himself.

"You can do whatever you want to do to him, George. I don't care."

"What? Dad!", I screamed.

I felt like panicking when the man my dad called George touched my cheek and a shiver ran down my spine. Bile rose in my throat but I forced myself to swallow it down again. His crystal blue eyes, they were cold and emotionless, fixed me, his disgusting blonde her fell in strands over his eyes. Disgusted, I slapped his hand away and cringed.

"Don't touch me!", I hissed.

This would've been the perfect time to run but that man blocked my way and punched me, causing me to fall and hit my head on the floor.

Pain shot through my entire body and I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. Then he took my head in his hand and pushed it against the floor, holding it there. The room started to spin and all I could see for a moment was black until my gaze cleared again. Everything hurt and I cried out when he hit my head against the floor again and slapped me.

"Shut up and look", he hissed, too close into my ear, and turned my head to face my mom who was abused by my father. I started to sob and cry harder. I tried to push that man off of me but he was too strong. Too heavy. I was forced to watch my father do things to my mom I never wanted to see. When she wouldn't stop screaming, he muffled her screams with a pillow.

I closed my eyes, not being able to watch any longer than I already did but I could still see her behind my eyelids. I could still hear her screams and cries. And it was killing me. Silent tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Suddenly I was touched where I never, ever in my entire life, wanted to be touched by another man. I forced myself to not throw up.

I was disgusted. Disgusted of my father. Disgusted of that man. But most importantly disgusted of myself.
In the background I still could hear my mom's muffled screams and cries and sobs echoing through the room. It was like a never ending nightmare. No. It was a nightmare.

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