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Brenda ran out of the cabin, ignoring me when I was calling after her.

She was going to tell Paul about Newt and I.

It's not like I was going to hide it from Paul. I'm not ashamed that I'm with Newt; not one bit. But I wanted to be the one to tell Paul. I wanted to tell him when the time was right.

After all, he's my father. What say does Brenda have in this?

I dashed through the woods, the field, and into the street. While I was approching Paul's house, I spotted Newt, walking around curiously.

"Newt!" I called. He looked at me.

"Newt," I breathed, "you know that Brenda is here now, right?"

He nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Well, we were just talking. Stuff happened . . I told her about you and I, and she said some pretty nasty things, and now she's going to tell Paul. She's probably already in his house."

Newt's face burned with anger. "What the- that Shuckface! She has no right to tell Paul . . Anyway, what kind of 'stuff' happened?"

"She tried to kiss me . . Well, actually, she did kiss me . ."

"I'm gonna' kill that bloody shank!" Newt roared, running to Paul's front door, dragging me with him.

"We're telling Paul before that slinthead has the chance!" He snaps, stomping right into Paul's unlocked house.


It was too late.

Brenda was already there when we entered Paul's house.

Newt and I bursted through his front door, only to see Brenda sitting on the couch beside Paul. Brenda was smirking when she seen me.

"Dad," I breath, not meaning to call him that. "I wanted to tell you first . ."

Paul avoided making eye-contact with me, he was just staring at the floor.

"Oops." Brenda chuckles nastily, standing up to leave.

"You . . You . . Shank!" Newt shouts, pouncing at her.

Paul stands up, pulling Newt off of Brenda. "Newt!" he yells, "stop!" Newt stumbles backwards, tripping over his feet.

"I better get going," Brenda says, quickly collecting herself and heading out the door.

"Thomas," Paul says slowly, "why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to tell you, really, I was. I just wanted to make sure I knew you well enough, first." I tell Paul. "But it's okay, right? Everything is fine?"

Paul just shakes his head. "How . . How did I not see this coming?"

"But it's okay, right?" Newt repeats my question.

"No son of mine will be like that!" Paul suddenly snaps, wacking me on the shoulder. It was such a pathetic attempt to hit me, I almost laughed. Almost. But then I remembered; Newt must have a weak spot about his own parents hitting him.

"Hey!" Newt shouts, "don't touch him!"

"Why?" Paul argues. "Should I hit you instead?"

"Nobody touches anybody!" I growl, splitting them apart. "Paul, what's so wrong about us? You told me that you loved me and that you were here for me. What happened to that?"

"That's before I knew . . Before I knew you were gay! No son of mine will be like that, Thomas!"

"I thought you wanted to act like a dad," I say, salty tears stinging my eyes. My whole relationship with my father is being torn to shreds just over one little thing. "You don't have any say in this. I love Newt, and I don't care what you think."

"Thomas . ." Paul says, more calmly now. "It's either Newt or me. Choose wisely. You only have one family."

I shake my head, disgusted with the man I was starting to call my father. "No. That won't change my mind. I have another family who accepts us. I don't need you."

"Oh, really?" Paul snorts, "Another family?"

"Yes," I say, "the Gladers. They're more of a family to me than you'll ever be."

"I can't beileve this! Get out of my house!" Paul grabs Newt and I, tossing us out the door. Paul goes to slam it shut, but I hold it open.

"I just want to ask you one thing; what could've hurt you so bad to make turn into such a disgusting piece of shit?"

Paul ignores my question. "You're welcome to come back, Thomas," he says, "When you're not confused anymore."

The door slams in my face, and I feel like I'm drowning in emotions.

"Well," says Newt, sighing, "that went well."

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