Chapter 22: The woman

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//Hey guys, been a while, huh? I got stuck in rough patch of my life, but I am starting to come back now. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Trigger warning, Mentioning of Sex work(ers) and a red light district.

A few days before her 18th birthday, June 10th, Rosanna was discharged from HQ. For a full year she had worked and studied non-stop at the Marleyan headquarters. Only going home to wash, eat dinner and sleep. In that one year, Rosanna had ploughed through the majority of the books and journals Xaver had left her before he had passed his titan onto Zeke. If she was not studying, she was doing regular checkups on the titan holders and Zeke, making sure their mental state wasn't decrepitating or to help support their health with some medicine or advice, especially Zeke was under her close watch.

Due to her good behavior and dedication to her craft and mission, Rosanna had been given an own office. A small room on the top floor of the building, between a head officer and scientist's office. Not much larger than a broom closet, and only containing a wonky table, a desk chair and a tiny bookcase. But for four days, this little office stood empty. Rosanna had spent the first day of her long weekend off sleeping, eating and reading. Only going outside after her uncle scolded her for loitering around and, "A doctor should give the good example and stay active and healthy." To which Rosanna had replied with, "Why the beer belly then?" Uncle had roared with laughter before grabbing her and almost throwing her outside. He threw her coat and armband at her and slammed the door; Rosanna had heard him still laugh when she walked down the road. For once she walked completely free, her hair not confined by a tight bun or ponytail or a reputable headscarf. She walked over the embankment; long hair flowing in the wind as she looked over the city in the dusk. She stretched her arms, even when caged, a human can find some freedom in sunlight or a kind person.

After resting for two days, uncle had taken her to the hospital to work and study. Rosanna helped console small children who were scared of injections and binding hurt arms and legs. But mostly Rosanna was present at the maternity ward, helping her aunt bring new children in the word and making sure the ladies were comfortable and looked after. With the task at the maternity ward, came a list of responsibilities in the red-light district in Rebellio. Which could include baby-sitting, a medical checkup or delivering "Special medicinal products." For the ladies.

"Right, I am off then!" Rosanna said, as she grabbed her great leather hand bag and swinging her uncle's old coat over her shoulder. "Take care darling, wrap up your hair!" Her aunt said as she walked out of the break room. "Men may be out on the prowl for some fun." She warned her niece. Rosanna looked over at the clock, "The district shouldn't be open yet, ma'am." She answered, "But yes, I'll keep an eye out. Who need these again?" she asked, opening the bag and looking inside. "Sabrina and Josephina, you've met them before." "Sabrina with the little boy?" Rosanna asked, aunt nodded and ran off to help a patient. Rosanna swooped out of the hall and onto the street. As she walked, a few women talking lifted their heads and watched as the energetic girl passed them. A glint of recognition glittered in their eyes before they went back to speaking about general subjects such as gardening, grandchildren and the latest gossip. From the head street, Rosanna went into a short alley, following it until she came by the checkpoint where she showed her ID to the guards and was let into Rebellio. Rosanna straightened out her armband as she walked, despite her more special status as a beneficial Eldian, she could feel the cold stares of people on her back. As people stared at her, she felt pressured to quicken her walk, almost going into a jog to get to her destination as quickly as possible. Clutching the handle of the hand bag she reached the main gate to the red-light district; she grabbed the metal banister and swiftly ran up the stairs.

The red-light district was built like a turning spiral stair, twisting around corners with the houses of the workers filling in on each side. The houses were decent sized, enough for a work space and a living space, but sometimes too small for the women with three or more children. As Rosanna rounded the corner, she heard the sound of a broom bristling over the stone steps. She recognized the strong and wide form of Sabrina, her litte boy was carried close to her body in a sling. Like his mother the boy had curly black hair and deep brown eyes. "Ah, hello dear!" Sabrina exclaimed, putting her broom away and stretching out her hands to greet the young woman. "I got these contraceptives you wanted." Rosanna said professionally, patting her handbag. "Ah perfect, come in, let's have tea."

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