Chapter 3

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Evelyn looked over her driver's license boasting a new name--and additional letter signifying her motorcycle license--before shoving it into her wallet. The time was near for when she would start her mission. As an informant, she wasn't officially on the FBI's payroll. But, the pay would definitely be rolling in. Soon. Her expenses were already being taken care of ,which was great because she bought a few things.

For one...a bike. Managing to find a two-thousand-ten Harley-Davidson Forty Eight for only ten thousand was a real score. It wasn't that she was trying to save the FBI money that she found one so reasonable, but rather that she didn't want to look suspicious riding something brand-spanking new. 

Along with that cost was many articles of new clothes and a new hair personality. Evelyn fluffed out her fiery locks of coppers and golds. She never knew she would look so good as a redhead. It was probably because her eyes were violet blue. An unusual color she was usually complimented for.

"Wow. I look great. I'm gorgeous."

For the past three months, she also picked up a workout routine and managed to put on a little extra muscle in the short amount of time, accentuating her curves in all the right places.

She twisted and turned, looking at the reflection of her sweat-pant-clad rear end. "Oh yeah." There was no way biker nerd was gonna resist her peaches. She had this in the bag.

There was only one thing that remained to top off her entire look. She needed a scar. How cool would it be for her nickname to actually mean something? Evelyn tapped her lip. She needed a back story, and started to pace.

"I got this scar...hmm. How the hell did I get a scar? I have to know that before I know where it will be on my bod." She plopped down onto her bed and fell backwards. "It can't be visible. It'll be a fresh wound. That won't look too good. Crap. I need help."

Evelyn jumped off the bed and grabbed her phone. This was a job for her best friend! Her fingers flew over her contacts, and pressed send. She tapped her foot after the third ring.

"Hey girl."

"Biddy! Thank fuck you answered. I need your help," Evelyn said.

"Ooh. I'm intrigued."

"Get your marvelous ass over here."

Evelyn hung up, then ran to her nightstand. Pulling open the drawer, she sighed at the metallic rainbow pocket knife. She ordered it on a whim through an Instagram ad. It was so cool the way the pastel colors seemed to swirl around when she moved it. Slamming the drawer shut, she gained her feet and went to the stove. Happy to have a gas range, she turned on the burner and held the knife over the flame. Not exactly sure how long she should hold it, she decided it was enough when the metal started to burn her own hand.

"Shit." She quickly switched hands a few times until it cooled.

After the make-shift sterilization was complete, she pulled out a clean cutting board and set the weapon down to finish cooling. What else? Alcohol to cleanse the skin before scarification. A loud knock on the door startled Evelyn out of thoughts.

Without checking, she swung open the door and smiled wide waving her friend inside. "Did you fly here or something?"

Biddy shrugged. "So what's up?"

"I need you to stab me."

"Come again?" Biddy's lip curled confused.

"My name is Scarlet. People call me scar. I gotta have a scar before I start my next job."

"Okay. I feel ya," Biddy licked her bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth biting down. "So, people call you scar because of a scar you just got today and you start this job when?"

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