Chapter 19

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She pulled her hair over to rest just past her breasts and lifted the mirror up high. Raising her shoulders and letting them fall, Evelyn admired the turquoise, green and black butterfly spanning her upper back. Biddy's tattoo artist had done a fantastic job with the piece. Of course, Biddy was right. She needed some time to heal up and get herself organized.

Nearly three weeks had gone by, but Evelyn was now ready to make the big move to her new place in Web Spinner territory. Sort of. It really wasn't something she wanted to do, but knew she had to. Jude and his club were innocent, and she wasn't about to let the FBI's investigation hedge toward the God's Sinners. Jude's future depended on it.

While the audio Evelyn brought in was damning, Mr. Manning wanted a concrete case. She didn't blame him. He was right. She needed to cross over to the proverbial dark side. The outrage on Jude's face when she told him what she planned to do, gutted her.

In all of the time that had gone by between Jude kicking her out to now, he never reached out. She tried calling him once, but the call went straight to voice mail after the first ring.

He truly didn't want anything to do with her. She had to respect his decision. Honestly, he had been through a lot in his life and didn't blame him one bit. Still, it was a hard pill to swallow.

Sinead O'Connor's, Nothing Compares 2 U, was on repeat of late. The words just spoke to her. Nothing compared to Jude. No one ever would. He was her first love. There was something to be said for a first love. It was unforgettable. 

Not only was Jude her first love, he was the one she gave her virginity to. The experience would be ingrained into her soul. She was happy she got to thank him. At least he knew how she felt on the matter.

It also would make her job easier, technically speaking. She wouldn't have to protect her virtue anymore. She could sleep with whomever she wanted. If she wanted. But, it wasn't likely.

With a long heaving sigh, Evelyn put her little mirror away and pulled a simple black t-shirt over her head. It was now or never. She needed to get on the road and over to her new, temporary, place.

Judging from the pictures on line, the apartment was nicer than the one she rented near Jude. It had two bedrooms and was newly furnished. The entire place also looked a lot cleaner for which she was happy.

Hopefully, this time, she wouldn't have any nosey neighbors like Craig. Not that he was bad, because he wasn't. She just didn't have time to be talking with anyone not on her agenda.

Evelyn shrugged into her riding jacket, then grabbed her backpack she put together the night before. It was time to ride. Once she got to her destination, she would text Biddy to let her know. She would then erase the text.

Keeping her digital footprint on the world at a minimum was going to be crucial. If any of the Web Spinners grew suspicious of her, they would literally have no one to trace and connect her to. She was a lone wolf once again. Her own woman. Nomad.

Once on the road, Evelyn blended into traffic zooming along on the freeway. Sinead's song played through one ear bud as she rode.

"It's been seven hours and fifteen days. Since you took your love away." She sang as loud as she could as she followed the highway into enemy territory.

Why did this hurt so fucking bad? The farther and farther she drove away from him was like a knife twisting her gut. It felt like betrayal when she knew better. It really wasn't. She was doing this to help him. To help his club. The God's Sinners. But she knew he didn't see it that way. Maybe never would. That thought alone killed her.

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