Chapter 26

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"Hi Gert!"

"Hi there! I ate dinner with your boyfriend at his place. Thought you should know," Gertrude winked with a limp wave while trying to hold onto the leash her dog was now stretching straight out in front of her.

Evelyn smirked surprised, casting a glance over her shoulder and slowing her steps. "Really? What did you have?"

"Oh, some grilled chicken with rice and steamed broccoli."

"So he can cook? Good to know."

"Seems so. Are you here to stay?"

Evelyn shrugged. "Don't know. He kicked me out last time." She thumbed over her shoulder.

"Evelyn," Jude snapped with a harsh whisper.

"What?" She frowned.

Gertrude laughed. "You two have fun. Be safe. Wrap your tool," she called before heading back inside of her house.

Jude rolled his eyes, a level of irritation back on his face.

"She really doesn't seem so bad."

"Let's go in," he ignored.

"Let's go in," Evelyn mocked. "Way to ignore what I just said, mister grumpy pants. Jeez. You're pissier than a chick on the rag. You know that?"

Jude punched in a code on the panel of his garage door and waited for it to lift without an answer. Why he was so irritated was beyond her. Didn't he just admit he loved her? Was that why he was mad? Because she heard him, and he hadn't wanted her to hear him? So what? One would think that it was a good thing she heard him.

Oh! Maybe it was because she hadn't said it back. Maybe that was it. She would have, had he answered her question. When she asked him if she heard him right, he got all mad. He really was worse than a woman. She couldn't figure him out at all.

His large back was to her as he opened the door and walked inside. Huh. Was he going to leave his truck outside all night? Did it mean he was planning on driving her back home soon? Whatever.

She continued to trail behind him as he flipped on the lights. A little shiver ran through her.

"Why do you keep your house so damn cold? It's freezing in here."

"No, it's not. It's seventy degrees. Plenty warm."

"Yeah right. Where's your thermostat?"

Jude turned on her. "You will not touch the thermostat. It's on a timer and set perfectly. Don't touch it."

"Don't touch it? I don't even know where the hell it is. I just wanted to look at it, to see if you're lying."

"You're the liar in this relationship. Not me."

He said relationship. Tee-hee. Maybe his confession was true. Maybe he did love her. But how did he go from telling her to get the fuck out of his life to loving her? It didn't make any sense. She really wanted to know. Because, deep down, it was easy to admit she felt the same way. She loved him. That was no secret to herself. 

Never had she felt more horrible than the day he cast her aside like a piece of garbage. Now that she reflected on it, his words stung all over again. She needed to get a grip!

Jude pulled his wallet out of his back jean pocket and tossed it onto the center island of his kitchen, along with his keys. It made her wonder. How would it be to watch him come home everyday and do such a simple thing? His boots were next.

Without much thought, he unlaced and pulled them off before tossing the heavy leather to the side. There wasn't much out of place in Jude's house. So for him to be throwing his things around, was a bit curious. Was he really so angry that he abandoned his tidy behaviors for messy ones?

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