Chapter 37 - Test One : Doorways Down

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What do I need to do?

So many deals have been made in the single process of asking that question.

What do I want to do?

So much failure has surfaced from the thought.

I need to think for myself.

I want to think for them.

I need to suppress the care I feel for them in order to remain careful.

I want to shout to the world that I am bursting with emotion.

Calm, composed.

A stoic face and a stoic heart combined to make a masterful agent.

I can be nothing else, I've never know anything else.

I'm afraid of everything else I could be, everything I want to be because I don't know.

For once, logic and reasoning- the meticulous analysis of the mind is rendered worthless.  This is pure, unashamed emotion.  Everything I've put blood, sweat, and tears into doesn't matter anymore.

If I fail, where will it lead me?

To the unknown.

I can't have that.

I must be in control, I must know I will succeed.

Even if it means sacrificing the wishes of my soul in order to strengthen it.

Even if it means sacrificing them to seal a battered heart.

Even if it means finally making up my own definition for a necessity, something that must be done, and a wish, a careless desire.

Even if it means having to finally distinguish between the two.

Even if it means never finding the part of me that was hidden so long ago.

Even if it means losing myself forever.


A dull flame flickered across stone, licking at rough edges with a quick, spiked tongue.  The gentle illumination cast shadows in the crevices of every corner- its attentions lying mainly on three doors.  One took up the front wall, one adorned the left and another was set to the right wall.

"Where.. are we?"

Two heads shifted to face Vivian, a quivering body wavering with the waves of fire- eyes sparked with hesitant curiosity.

Tommie looked down to his small, sleeping turtle as he began to speak.

"..Where do we go?"

The three looked up.

Door One was plain white with a silver knob, its magnificence interrupted only by a suspicious splotch of crimson red.  

Door Two was a deep blue, unmarked and unharmed- seemingly safe enough to pass.

Door Three was completely black- staring ominously like the eyes of night.  Gray scorch marks lined the edges, nearly transparent against the rough darkness. 

"I don't know, but the good thing is that we have time.. right?"

A irritating set of clicks met her words.

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