Part 26 - Let Me Be Your Only Love

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You are beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?

I'm sure lots of guys have.

With your bouncing curls and that gorgeous confidence. Your every step is a declaration of your own blatant magnificence. Your eyes chill me to the core, freezing up those fleeting doubts and fears. When in pain, I look to you.

You're intoxicating. Every time I see you, this feeling springs up in my mind- an indescribable ecstasy of hazy memories and future possibilities.

I'm addicted to you in all of your fascinating totality- in awe of every second.

You're a dream- and I never want to wake up from this delusional reality of constant, mirthful rejoicing. A swirling flurry of emotions invade your imprudent, azure eyes- igniting a storm of contagious passion within mine.

Let me bridge my world to yours- let me build it brick by brick with these calloused hands, a testament of my hopeless devotion to you. Open your gates to my affections and I will let the dangers of a foreign world in with the joy of new experience.

I may not be flirtatious or attractive, or nice or good. But I'm madly in love with you, and if that says anything?

I'd be willing to be anything for you. So, let me be your sun.

Will I ever melt your heart?

Your curves are attractive, but to me they have simply become shapes. Shapes of a much larger picture- a wonderful puzzle of alluringly colorful pieces.

I am rendered speechless, words not enough to explain the way I feel- but my desire to describe much more powerful than a tangled tongue. I struggle with knowing that any interaction could be the last- because a world without you is like a world without rain, dry and desolate. Practically lifeless in itself.

That curve of your lip wraps around my jumbled mind, entangling me within the complex ropes of devious wit and sarcasm.

Unravel me so I can entangle you, let me show you the way you make me feel inside- this burning desire of anticipation and constant suspense. This adventure between us is eternal- no matter the temporary state of a face devoid of wrinkles.

My heart throbs with hope- every time your lashes flicker, leading me on with subtle touches and sneaky gazes. Fluttering up and down with this feeling within my chest, powering the pulsating beat of dreamy fantasies.

I'll let you lead the dance- just as long as you lend me the hand. I'll take you where you want to go and I'll go where you want to take me in this thrilling chase, step after step of prancing feet and lips of loving words.

I don't want empty promises or bottomless caresses. I don't want bodies clashing or mouths crashing to stop this wonderful exchange of words.

I just want you.

You- in all of your entirety. You, with and without your secrets. You, the beautiful and the ugly- the good and the bad. You, the past and the future. You, the wonderful present of endless love and the sad realization of finite time.

I don't know when I started loving you. But there's never once been a time that I've wanted to stop.


I stared at the ceiling.

Tommie was breathing lightly to my right, legs kicking with a mild fervor.

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