Part 10 - The Path of the Wind

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SIDENOTE: The song may not match the chapter exactly- it is just there to show you how I got the chapter title.


You probably forgot.

About me.

Because, even if I had anything to say, no one would take it seriously.

Even if I could get a word in, it would be ruthlessly discarded by louder, brighter sounds.

But I don't mind too much.

'Cause even if I did, it would make no difference.

I will still be me, and you will still be you.

Eddie will still be Eddie.

And Tommie will still be Tommie.

Eddie will still be remorseful and Tommie will still be hateful.

And where Eddie is hateful, Tommie is remorseful.

Because that is the way things are, and I simply can't change it.

I can just watch them.

But they will still love each other. Even if they don't know it.

Even if they push against it, their heart longing but their mind persistent.

Even if he recklessly pushes forward to get to him, only to realize that he is distancing himself in the process.

If I cry, they will crowd me.

If I speak, they will run and cover their ears.

Because I am the one who needs to be sad, and they are the ones who need to comfort.

Because they are the ones who will come up with the ideas, and I am the one who will listen.

Because I am Celeste.

To them I am Celeste.

But to Tommie and Eddie?

I am anyone I want to be.

I am a master of all trades.

I am me.

I used to sit outside with my brothers.

But now I don't.

Because Eddie never has the time.

And if one went, the other would not.

And even if Tommie wanted to go, he would be reprimanded for taking me out there.

And I would speak up, only to find that my voice is irrelevant.

But that's besides the point.

We would go up to the hill and we would set a blanket down, preferably a comfy one with lots of fluff.

And the three of us would just laugh.

Eddie would play with Tommie, and wear that wonderful smile of his without a care in the world.

Eddie would never furrow his brows or yell out.

He would laugh that delightful laugh of his and roll his head back as he did when he was having a blast.

All of us would catch the giggles.

Especially Tommie.

He would snort and say some witty retort.

You could hear his laugh echo for miles if you listened closely enough.

That heavenly laugh almost shining as it is carried along with the wind.

He would smack Eddie with that small hand of his.

A small hand that had quickly grown larger.

Along with a ball of sadness and rage that had quickly grown larger.

The two would wrestle and I'd watch, cheering the both of them on.

Every time, they would give in and call it a tie.  

We'd all roll down the hill, grass clinging to us with their itchy hands.

And we'd all brush each other off.

I miss it.

The sun shining down on us, and the way their eyes glistened brightly.

The way the tall trees contrasted the light hues of the sunset.

The way we could look up and enjoy everything around us.

And here you are.

The first person to listen to me.

But are you?

Are you really listening to me?

Or do you want to hear more about my brothers?

Are my words of any value to you?

Or are they another thing that could be tossed away?

I don't know.

Maybe I wanted to say something meaningful.

But it has only become what it always was.


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