Chapter 39 - Test Three : The Last Of Them.

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Send my weekly report to the organization, they'll know what to do.

We're close to landing at the designated location in the east after a week underwater.

No signs of suspicion, but from one.  You know who he is, I've decided not to document his weird behavior.  I only have so much space on this crappy notecard.

I plan to lead them to the temple.

They can do it, I know they can.  They're playing right into my hand.

Follow in behind, stick to the plan.  It's dangerous in there.

Evacuate all of the citizens, we don't need them exposing our cover.  They know us too well.

(Drop a single speck of blood and I'm leaving.  Your bloodthirst should be satisfied enough by now.)

Come quickly.

I don't have much time to stall.

Remember, stick to the plan.

And if you kill a single one of them, I'll

No, ignore that.

I have to go.

Don't do something you'll regret and don't try to get your stupid revenge, we don't need that stain on our record, Officer Harvey.

Grab the stone and we'll leave.

Tread warily,




We fell into the ground.

After we made our dramatic exit from the outside world, I followed Jolene down a chute.  Twisting and turning in the dark.

I thought I was dead.

We entered a room with doors.  Somehow, she knew which way to go- and I followed her.  I'd follow her anywhere.

I have nothing much to say about the second room, except that we got through it.  I couldn't confront what laid in it, I still can't- whether it was the lack of rest and energy that led to the incredible rise of delusion and insanity I experienced, - I'll never know.  I choose to leave those voices where they're set on staying, where they'll always be.  

Because I can't keep refusing these opportunities, I had to walk through the door to get somewhere.  

Now here we are, in a dark, damp box- the horrifying smell of decaying skin and bones imprinting itself in my mind.  It's all trapped completely within my nose, along with the rotting scent of blood.  

I want to go back, but not to where we left.  I want to go back to the start.

Before the diner, before the introductions, before the crashing, before the recruitment, before all of this silliness- before these stupid tests.

I looked at Jolene, red hair set in a ponytail.

Nothing has ever looked more heavenly to me.

Would I have done it all again, just to feel what I'm feeling?  

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