Part 4 - Ojos Tristes

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SIDENOTE: The song might not fit the writing. The video above is just the source from which I got the name for this chapter.


Thomas Wildred was a boy with sad eyes. He found that, even when he tried to change their sorrowful demeanor, they would always revert to the same sad position.

So, instead of trying to change those sad eyes of his, he aimed to make those around him happy.

His siblings, and everyone who came to their diner.

He would put on his brightest smile and serve them with a pep in his step.

Just two years ago, he lost his parents. He lost his mother's sweet smile and beautiful eyes. He lost his father's warm embrace and witty humor. At first, it was shocking. And then that shock slowly transformed to hurt. And then uncontrollable rage. And then sorrowful remembrance.

His brother was still stuck in the anger phase. Some nights, after he thought that Thomas was in bed, he would punch the couch and stuff his face in the pillows, groaning.

But Thomas wasn't sad. He was livelier than anyone would know. However, it began to pain him. Pain him to laugh. The burden of guilt was too much to hold. Even the simple act of smiling made his heart wrench.

Some days, the hurt was overwhelming. Other days, all was numb. The world was muted and he couldn't hear his own thoughts.

Just because someone can hear you doesn't mean they're listening. That's something he learned a while ago.

But he still kept walking down the deserted path that had been set for him, desperately trying to find someone.

He did find one man.

One man who never failed to make his eyes sparkle once more. Who made him smile and laugh without even so much as flinching.

Deep, blue eyes that listened. Dark hair like a raven's nest. Precious hat atop his head.

Was he still in pain?

Thomas had not been asked that in a long time. Maybe that's why the words sounded so much sweeter.

The pain was numb. He had succumbed to its will.

There are moments when he feels it again.

It hits him, and he can feel it again. And sometimes it's better than not feeling at all.

Suddenly, a sensation comes with it, overwhelming what feels like eternal pain.

For him, it comes so quick, but he still feels it.

So, the real question.

Does he still hurt?


Yes I do.

The Adventures Of John B : The Sacred StoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora