Epilogue - The End.

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My name is Vivian Vacarelli.

And in my lifetime I have experienced many sorrowful tragedies.

Maybe it is this that has allowed me to become so accustomed to a dejected existence.

I thought it was.

But I've come to realize I have experienced more fortunes than one could name.

I have found within myself the potential to keep moving forward- to pass life instead of letting it pass by me.  I have found the potential for greatness.

I have found a man with stoic eyes- simultaneously burdened and freed by his work.  Knowing that it gives him a purpose- some type of purpose, even if it is not the kind he desires.

I have found a confident woman of many strengths.  And of many vulnerabilities.  Of cold nature and warm heart.  Of the complexities of life.

I have found a young boy of even younger spirit- prepared to take on the challenges of an old world.  Who is prepared to lead, to guide, to assist.  Who has taught me to take another step.  And an epic sidekick of a turtle.

I have found a brother seeking only the best for his family.  Who cherishes what he has and sacrifices what is needed to maintain a future.  Who has the words but not the right mouth to speak them.

I have found a small girl of big courage.  Of love, and opportunities, and warmth, and kindness-

And death.


It was cold.  And dark.

The whole world felt like that.

And I wanted to smile like she told me to.

But the sun had been drowned out by tears, and for once.. it was alright to weep.

My lips were chapped and dry.

The outside world was silent apart from the occasional sob or scrape of the shoe.

It didn't feel right.

Burying a girl who had barely lived.

Or the atmosphere in which we did so.

It wasn't happy, but it wasn't entirely sad.

It was the numb, dull, horrible in between.

There is no relief in that.

I looked down at the photo in my hand.

A drop blotched the imagery in the corner.

When did it start raining?

I gasped, wiping the evidence of pain off my face.  

It had suddenly provoked me, the thought.

Six people posing next to a car in the photo we had taken.

Not five.

In my other hand was a can of bubbles.

John stood next to me with a wavering candle, as most did.

I didn't think it was fitting.

After a while, I walked away from the mass, feeling suffocated.

Looking out at an empty forest.


Why, I wondered?

The light in her eyes had already been extinguished- there was no point anymore.


There is still life in me, that she has gifted.  Life she has shown.  I can't let it waste away.

So I blew a bubble, and let it travel far- far away.  

I hoped it would get to her.

Released from my lips, it wandered.

And it popped.

At least, that's what everybody else saw.

But as far as I can remember, it just kept floating, a shimmery light in contrast to the dark hues that surrounded it.

A refreshing taste of light in vast darkness.

I slowly made my way back to the crowd, turning to the hatless man that stood next to me.


He glanced over.

" What's next?"

I smiled with tears glistening in my eyes, feeling I could break at any moment.

He considered my stare.

"..Time to take our next journey, of course."

I huffed out a silent laugh.

"Alright, if you insist."

And so we did.

With heads held high.

Staring out at a single bubble amidst a gloomy sky, a gloomy world.

Eddie reclaimed his diner.

Tommie made up with his brother and helps out with the business.

Jolene has joined them, and has left the organization.

John, who is currently on a rare break, is looking for a new case.

Vivian plans to join him.  She also helps out at the diner on the side.

All five remained good friends.

Celeste was given a gravestone next to her parents, where Polanreff has also earned himself a tiny memorial.

From the bottom of their hearts, thank you.


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