Part 16 - Better Things

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SIDENOTE: The song might not fit the writing. The video above is just the source from which I got the name for this chapter.



He is as fast as a car.

A genius in everything he does.

There is only one thing that limits him completely.

And that too, just like the rest of him, is a mystery.

A man of honor, though he doesn't believe himself to be.

Closed off, yet vulnerable.

Large, but small.

Happy, but sad.

He is as confusing as he is easy to understand.

He is not easy to understand.

But he is confusing.

See, I've already messed this up.

- V


She gave him an anxious glance, indicating her fear.  He turned away, gripping the wheel harder as he focused on the road.

Something had to be done.

He looked in the mirror, surveying the car behind him.

His foot slowly began to press down on the gas pedal, increasing the speed of their travel.

The vehicle behind them did the same.

His eyes absentmindedly narrowed.

A sigh escaped his lips, causing him to press them tighter.  

The woman averted her gaze to the man, shocked at his simple action.  An unfamiliar grin grew on his face, like an untamable flame, spreading its fiery glow to any thing it could touch.  A warning of the raging fire of chaos that was to come.  

Her jaw dropped, even more astonished than she was just a moment before.

Words in the background lost their meaning as he set his foot to the pedal.

His foot met the ground as he pushed the pedal all the way down.  Meanwhile, the lady shook her head profusely, catching on to his intentions.  She frantically thrust her hand up to grasp the handle positioned at the top of the car.

He braced himself, hearing heads meeting the seats of the car.  A  loud clamor arose, stimulating the havoc.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING-" Jolene screeched, clutching the child in her arms as she was mercilessly thrown back and forth.

The car uneasily swerved in an attempt to avoid the incoming automobile that drove behind, its speed surging.

"THANK GOD WE PUT OUR SEATBELTS ON, RIGHT GUYS?" Eddie's voice overpowered the other sounds as he let out a futile laugh, which ended up sounding more like a choke.


"SHUT UP!" Tommie screamed, clenching his eyes tight and curling up in a ball as he protected his turtle.

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