Part 23 - I Think We Are Gonna Be Friends.

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-  This is a little, short bit that I was going to cut out from the story.   But I thought it was cute, and it represents the bond that's developed between the three girls really well, actually.  So-  enjoy! -

Celeste's eyes flickered over to Vivian's shivering body.

She let out a gasp, quickly waving to Jolene as she ushered the frightened girl into the nearest bathroom.

A flash of vibrant, red hair appeared as a warning finger was pointed towards the boys.

"Don't look, you creeps!"

Her ensuing comment left the men awestruck as Tommie covered his eyes, scandalously licking his chilling treat.

The large door was slammed as the two girls seated Vivian on the edge of the bath tub, their amiable warmth making her feel all the more special.

Silence flooded the room as the two caretakers set to work, gathering clothes and untangling her hair.  The shaking woman blushed, overwhelmed by the kindness being shown.

"..Thank you."

Her soft voice drifted on the air, a hanging, uncertain truth.  The girls looked at her, their hands and eyes ceasing movement.

"Vivian.. why are you-"

"Geez, are we really that great?  I didn't know my awesomeness could make you cry."

The two voices clashed as tears raced down Vivian's cheeks- a sign of her gratefulness.

"You guys really are awesome.   And I'm sorry.. I've just never had,"  she took a moment to sniff, "well.. this."

Celeste gave a knowing simper as she curled up next to the woman, giving a big, great hug.  The love shown in one simple gesture was enough to make her bawl even harder.

Jolene smiled sneakily at the sight.  

She slowly came up beside the two girls, wrapping two welcoming arms around the fragile bodies.

"Someday, everything will be alright."

Her comforting coos were answered only by the silent misery of tears.

Through all of the sniffles and distressed sobs, Celeste picked up the tear-stained face of the girl with violet eyes.  Gentle hands raised her face to the mirror, her reflection causing her to flinch.

"You're beautiful."

Her head turned in a languid manner, a relaxed expression garnering her face.  Slowly, very slowly- a great, big grin swarmed her face.

But before she could answer, Jolene piped up- her voice wonderfully brazen.  The words she spoke broke the shock of it all, leading way for only contagious snorts and unashamed laughter.

"You're not too bad yourself."

Thank you.

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