wassup lol

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Hi, I know that like only five people have read this story- but I wanted to thank you for managing to get this far haha.  

I know my writing is atrocious, and definitely confusing at times, but I do try to put effort into this. 

This is mainly a writing project that (I hope) will allow me to grow and develop as a writer, as well as create my own style of story-telling.  

I hope I have, at least in some ways, entertained you.

Again, thanks for reading- it's a pleasure to have you.

- yaboi :D

P.S - From this point on, the updates will (hopefully!) be weekly.  There will only be one chapter released each week, but they will ALL be over 2000 words, so you can get a good reading session! I'm sorry about my writing, but I hope I can improve with time.  I would also love to hear some of your feedback, though I know that there are not many people reading.  Your feelings and suggestions are always valued here, and I might just use them to contribute to the story! Anyways, thanks again!!

Also, smash that star- no i'm just kidding.. unless, you want to..

truth is, i've never gotten a star haha ..






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