Part 17 - Time Is On Your Side

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Humans are real weird if you ask me.

I mean, that one lady- Jolene, I think it was.  Look at her, she just sticks to Eddie's side, but when he actually starts to pay attention to her, all she can manage to do is bicker.  She has a fast mouth with no filter, and yet she can't even use it to say the truth.

I looked up at Tommie.  His glistening eyes returned the stare, a mixture of blue and green like a swirling storm of color.

He smirked, nodding as he read my mind.  With every step he took, I could feel my small body bouncing with the motion.  It got tiring after a while, really.  All this sitting is going to kill me.  

Just like my sister.  Wait- no, she died from a car crash.  Or was it a tornado?  Eh, I don't really know- no one ever liked her anyways.

It must've been a while ago when we left that useless car, it's engine sputtering an' all.  

Y'know, this whole trip, I've just been listening to a whole bunch of shit and gossip.  I've got to say, it's been great.

I'm just happy that I'm not dead yet.  I mean, with all those wacko, random attacks, I thought they would've just flushed me down a toilet at any time, sayin'

"Sayonara! Nice to meet cha, but having a turtle 'round is only holdin' us back."

Thankfully, they haven't noticed me yet.  

I just listen, listen, listen.  I have enough info on each one of these crazy idiots that I could blackmail them all.

I mean, I would if I could, but after my sister got electrocuted, I haven't gone near a cord due to bad memories.

Or did she drown?  Eh, probably both.

I shifted, staying seated in Tommie's warm palms.

He and his sister were babbling on about random stuff.

I looked to Jolene and Eddie.

Eddie was doubling over as Jolene watched him with her keen eyes, catching the giggles.

"What's your favorite ice cream?" He inquired, wiping tears from his eyes as he began to calm down.

"Mint Chip.  It just seems so simple, but deliciously right." She answered, smiling.

"Oh, no- you have just declared war against the chocolate kingdoms.  I can't even look at you anymore, my sworn, mortal enemy." He joked, dramatically turning away while letting out a small laugh.

"Oh really?  Well then, prepare to fight, good sir!" She returned, pulling an imaginary sword out of its invisible sheath, proceeding to fight with him.

They continued to battle, asking more questions as I turned to the more intriguing pair.

What an odd match they were.  It was like seeing a wolf and a sheep, residing alongside one another.

"Make sure you patch that up." Vivian told him, her eyes wandering.

He furrowed his eyebrows, frowning as he looked down to his bleeding arm.

"How did you-"

"Even you know the answer to that." She responded quietly, clasping her hands together behind her back.  Her attention lying elsewhere, she bit her lip as she looked up to the sky.

"Isn't it amazing how this place is so empty?  It's simplicity is calming.  There's so much to see..  I wish I could just disappear here, there would always be something new to find, even where there is empty space.." she rambled.

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