Part 13 - The Relaxing Strains of Celestial Slumber

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SIDENOTE:  The music doesn't belong to me, nor does it necessarily fit the chapter.  It's just there to show how I got the name for this chapter.


He slowly craned his neck.

His eyelids were drooping, but he couldn't bring himself to fall asleep.  His mind raced with ideas and thoughts that resisted against the prospect of a good night's rest.  

But he was so used to it.  Laying in an empty bed as he tossed and turned, a swarm of questions and answers constantly rising to the surface.  Night becoming day as his eyes stayed open, staring into the face of menacing darkness.  Light slowly starting to pour in his room, his eyes checking the clock again and again until he realized that it was day.   Sore limbs tangled together, but so cold.  He would roll to the side, only to find-

The petite figure next to him staring into empty space, her eyes vacant and dim, like something else was inhabiting her body.

Suddenly, she snapped back into focus.  

Dry leaves began to crack as she hoisted herself back on her feet.

"Where are you going?" he queried, his voice sounding surreal.

She swirled around to see him sitting there, bulky arms crossed and hat tipped over his reflective eyes.

She paused for a moment, overcome by hesitation and suspicion.  But it was not long before her sharp face calmed, and her eyes distilled the overwhelming fear that had invaded them once before.

"Oh- did I.. wake you up?" she asked softly, her glowing eyes flitting over to the cluster of bodies that lay to the side, a mess of snoring noises rising from the two.

"No.  Are you usually awake at this hour?" he responded before changing the subject.

"Uh.. yes.  I've always had trouble sleeping.  Lots of things on my mind.." she answered with a nervous smile.  His gaze averted to her hand, which hung limp on one side of her body.

Her fingers twitched, irritated by the stillness.

 And then they moved, beginning to tap continuously.  Though the silent, light pats against her dirty jeans were of no importance, he was oddly confounded by the bizarre behavior.

She noticed him staring and moved her hand away from his view.

A moment of silence passed before the girl returned to her seat next to the man.  He slowly shifted his body, avoiding her touch.

A bleak frown emerged on her face before falling under another sad simper.

"You.. seem so calm," she tilted her head to face him, "how do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Maintain your composure."

"Why would I need to maintain my composure?"

"Are you just going to keep deflecting my questions with questions?"

"It's easier that way." he countered.

He turned to face her, his actions apprehensive.

"It's like me asking you why you have trouble sleeping.  It's just always been like that." he continued systematically.

"Oh.. well, I guess that makes sense." she agreed, nodding her head and flattening her lips as if she had something to say, but felt that it would make no difference.

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