10. The Search For Something More

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It's probably what's best for you,
I only want the best for you
And if I'm not the best then you're stuck

Isabelle had woken up feeling it was a bit crowded, she then saw she was in the middle between Peyton and Brooke in Peytons' bed. Brooke was still fast asleep still wearing the dress from the night before, memories came back of what happened and Isabelle laid her head back down. Peyton had put on a horror movie and was sitting up in bed, Isabelle cuddled up closer to Peyton as she also watched the TV.

Brooke woke up at the sound of screaming, "That's gonna leave a mark" Peyton said as she shuts of the tv. 

"So what am I doing here?" Brooke asks. 

"Brooke, that's two weekends in a row you don't remember what happened the night before," Peyton says. 

"Oh please don't tell me I made a fool of myself in front of Lucas?" This time Isabelle took a deep breath. "No.. that would be me" 

"Wait, you two were totally hot for each other"

"Were..until about halfway through ripping each other's clothes off I bolted out there crying" Isabelle pushed back her hair and her hand rest on her forehead. 


"Because he got all serious, he was talking about this intense commitment and I don't know. I freaked out." Brooke groans and leans her head back on the pillow

"Ugh, I do not wanna live in a world where three fine and willing girls like ourselves can have such a lame Friday night...I gotta change my karma. Maybe you two should make some changes too" 

"We did not wake up with a foggy memory," Isabelle said, Brooke raised an eyebrow towards her.

"Well you didn't wake up with Lucas either" Isabelle looked at Brooke a second before playfully slapping her on her stomach. 

"Ow! Bitch" 



The girls are in the lingerie shop, Brooke is currently trying on a sexy top while Isabelle is looking at some new Bras.

"So tell me how this fixes your karma?" Peyton asks.

"It doesn't, but it's a total pick me up don't you think? Now try this on" Brooke hands Peyton a top with leopard print and then a light purple one to Isabelle. Both girls sigh and take them. 

"Now the karma thing comes next. I figured out a master plan if I can fix the damage I've done to certain people's love lives maybe the universe will kick in and fix mine"

"It's a pretty long list" Isabelle comments from inside the dressing room. 

"Yeah, Nathan and Haley are at the top of it. I screwed them over royally last night. Double karma points if I can undo that one" Isabelle peaks out from the dressing room and just stares at Brooke. "Oh Brooke, at least you're admitting to it" Peyton walks out first of the dressing room. 

"Fabulous!  You know not everyone can pull off the skeezy in the jungle vibe. Now I can fix up too"

"No thanks, I am done with the drama of dating. I just wanna have fun" 

"Yeah, I must agree with P.Sawyer. I don't want another night of complicated love drama." Isabelle said also walking out of the dressing room. "Nice I. Marks.. you look hot. Well, you two will be happy then to know that I got us all invited to a party at Duke tonight" Brooke smirks. 

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