Blast from past

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My father always gave his second child first priority over me including my mother, she never wanted to make Camilla feel that she doesn't have a mother, father's girlfriend died in while giving birth to Camilla, well that's the story for another day.

Whenever I felt lonely, I talked to God, because in my value education class I learnt that if you expect from God alone he'll never let you down, that thing worked, my friends always ask me.

Why I'm so happy all the time? Just because in my sadness and happiness I remember God, even in dark nights, I tell him what I did the whole day. Although they laugh at me and told me that's your parents work because almighty keep the watch of all the things you do. Those poor souls don't know that God is more than a parent to me and to all of his creations.

I know God, you'll handle everything. I whispered and made my way towards my room, finding Diana sitting in, she gave me a sympathetic look but I sent a tight smile in her direction, Sadness will not change the fact that my mother just abandoned me.

"I told you, Diana." I tried to be cheerful and she's used to it "Till when you'll hide your emotions, no one is here you can cry your heart out." She whispered earning an incredulous look from me although she's saying correct but Sally Walters never cry infront of anyone but God in the darkness of night.

"My sixth-sense is never wrong." I glanced at her. She got up rolling her eyes, and embraced me in a warm hug, I felt comfortable in her arms but there was something different in the scent of her perfume, this was a masculine perfume, "Miles Miller hugged you?" I asked in excitement and instantly she flinched and ended our hug, by the redness of her cheeks I could make out it's a big "Yes!" but then my eyes dropped to a diamond ring on her finger, it's never there, "Does that mean he proposed you?" At that moment her cheeks grew as red as a tomato, "OMG! Let's party Diana!" She's giving me incredulous look, "What?" I rolled my eyes and asked.

"Really, you have gone through a lot, who

"Life is too short for mourning and after my death, I don't want you to be sad." I said and she rolled her eyes "I think that I'd take your partying advice serious otherwise you'll ended up, teaching me the activities that I'd perform on your funeral."

"God knows your future husband or your parents will ended up throwing me out." I laughed "I thought opposite of it, you'll end up throwing them out, I don't think they'll ever cry at my funeral." I mumbled and put that thought aside, she glanced in my direction and hugged me, I heard her sniffing. "Why're you crying Diana?" When I asked that she started crying a little more louder.I rubbed her back.

"I...I p..pray God, tha..t h..e call t..o hi..m be..before h..he call you." She whispered while crying, and I couldn't help but smile .

"I can't imagine my life without you Sally." She said and ended our hug, I knew I too couldn't imagine my life without her, except of God, she's the only friend I have.

"Sorry, that I spoiled your mood but death is unpredictable, and you can't stop it, moreover if I die before you or vice-versa, we'll eventually adjust to live without eachother." Although she didn't said anything at my comment but deep down I knew, that she's hurt, I have made her habitual of my presence, I have to take back the comfort zone otherwise she'd make things hard for herself and for everyone. I sighed "Let's go." She whispered while making her way out of the room. "Like this?" I said as I was still in my wedding gown, she laughed.

"You change and then we'll going to leave this awful hotel." I laughed only few people have guts to call my father's lavish hotel awful because this hotel will leave anyone awestruck by its interior except me and Diana.

"Sorry, Uncle Bradley." She laughs and got out, I sighed and decided to take this awful but expensive dress out of my body, which got peeled off very easily, I will not keep this dress with me, I wore a black sundress and tied my hair in a bun, this makeup, also need to be peeled off, but it was suiting me, my bags were filled with new clothes, and I want them to transfer it to the new bride, but I choose against it and sighed, Camelia will probably mad on me, her dreams just crashed because of that kidnapper.

I decided to go towards Diana's room but sadly, I being clumsy, bumped into someone and was about to lose my balance when two hands saved me from falling, when I opened my eyes in curiosity to see who's the person with whom I shared a flimy moment, my world flipped upside down, and last seven years of my life started playing infront of my eyes.

"You're in my arms yet again." The man spoke as I stared at him in shock, the sea-green eyes which made my heart flatter and the masculine scent that causes eruptions of butterflies in my stomach.

"Told you, what Emerson Black desires always remains his, no human has power to snatch it from him." The same voice but now has became high pitched and I blinked my eyes three-four times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming, the same familiar touch, if I can feel his touch than surely he's real and watching me with his gorgeous sea-green eyes, his face has become more masculine than boyish.

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