What went wrong ?

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Dear Diary,

Finally, James proposed Laura for marriage and I just can't believe my big brother is Finally going to be mingle and have a partner by his side, although until twenty I used to believe that marrying someone or having a partner by your side is not everything in life,but when I entered my unidays, I realized how lonely I felt and there are innumerable things, a girl of my age can't share with her mother or father,or even bestfriend .

Just because when you go to your parents they are busy with eachother after a busy day at office, friends are on phone with their boyfriends when you call them, and you have to keep your feelings to yourself, that's the most horrible thing, the loneliness of your room says it all. God created Eve for Adam just because he felt lonely, I realized his loneliness now at the age of twenty-one, before Emerson crashed into my life, I too felt alone and there were innumerable things that, I wish to discuss and innumerable thoughts I want to share with someone, and I think, I found that someone in Emerson, he corrects me in things he considers, I am lacking in, he advices me when I am confused with something. I really hope we stay like this forever.

Diary you've to blame Emerson for my delayed entries, he took your place in my life and I do prefer him over you,I apologize for the same, well I am excited for the wedding.

I was unable to sleep so, I decided to do random things on my phone, after hours of tossing and turning in hotels bed, both of our rooms were connected, and I was sure Emerson was sleeping after a hectic day, as it was two in morning,for some reason I miss my bed back at home, I get frustrated when I am apart from my bed and no amount of comfort is as same as my personal bed back at home the home that I shared with, Diana. Even on the same bed I prefer my corner at the left side and my soft pillow. I miss Peter and Lily, too and worried for them, but still until they're with our mom and dad there are in safe hands. This honeymoon trip is the most ridiculous idea ever . As I was going through my documents I came across the pdf of my diary photographs which, I took when I found my journals back at home. See the coincidence, the importance of marriage that was originally meant for, James and Laura is helping me today. It appeared to be like, younger version of me was helping the older version, telling me you've chosen the right partner.

As, I kept my phone back on the bedside table, it started ringing "Who's calling me at this hour of the day." I wondered but the name flashing on my screen made me go rigid.

"IT'S CHARLIE ROGERS, MY MOTHER'S UNCLE. " Why he's calling me at this hour of the day, Is he alright?

Is grandma Rita alright? I resisted the urge to ignore the call, for the sake of grandma Rita, grandpa Charlie's wife, she's the sole sane member in his family,  but the woman is on deadbed, keeping my fear aside, I decided to take the call.

"H.Hello" gathering courage, I decided to talk, to the man, who scares the shit out of me, everytime, I talk or see him.

"Hello to you to granddaughter.Sorry to disturb you in dearth of night." He returned my greeting in his grumpy voice,  reminding me about the intensity of fear, I feel when he's around. I felt myself going into panic attack like state as he spoke next.

"I want you and your husband to grace us with your presence, in our Paris farmhouse tomorrow ,consider it as a wedding treat from me as well as your grandma." I wasn't in a state to say no to him, gathering courage "O..K, grand..pa we'd be the..re ." I said and immediately cut the call before, he came to know of my panic state, I tried to catch my breath, and calm my heart down, but it failed, as I realized I need help, I decided to knock Emerson's door finding it already unlocked,  as I entered in, I saw him working on his PC, he glance at me and before he'd ask something he realized my reason to barge in his room  in the  dearth of night seeing my state. He rushed to help me and hugged me tight, as I found solance in his arms as I found my nose, in the nape of his neck, and the aroma of his perfume comforting me, my grip on him tightened as, I hugged him hard and tried to relax, aroma of his perfume was to calming,  he doesn't know about how much, I missed us hugging like this.

"Are you ok?" He asked with calm voice as he rubbed his hands on my hair, I instead of speaking, I nodded as I found my condition improving, I found him carrying me in bridal style towards his bed, and I was to much dried to protest,  as I prevent him from leaving me as he discarded me on his bed, "I'm not going anywhere, Sally." He spoke husky as he removed my hand from his .

He filled a glass with water and offered me to drink it which I obeyed,  "Emerson can you just hug me, until I sleep. " I shamelessly asked, I know that I am taking advantage of my situation,  but I just can't get enough of my husband.  "I'll tell you the reason, tomorrow, can you please help me to pass this night." He sighed and nodded as he kept his laptop back on table, and entering in warmth of bed, but before entering in I forgot the attire I was wearing, only a short silky dress, which was exposing my legs and the dress which made my cleavage , hilighted as I found Emerson's eyes lingering all over my body "Remember according to the world we're on honeymoon, my cousins pack those sexy nightwear for me,and this is the safest thing I found appropriate to wear." I started explaining to myself as, I decided to let Emerson enjoy for a while making my legs spill upon slightly, as I found him shifting in his position, if that wasn't enough I teased the poor guy again by bending and showing him perfect view of my breasts, that was his alarm as he took his seat beside me and hugged me tightly,  I felt bad for teasing him as he's trying his best not to get distracted by my body and do something stupid,  as he switched the lamps off and  made my head rest on his chest making his heartbeat audible to my ears,  giving me the feeling of deja vù, I missed the embrace of his arms as now sleep started to take over my thoughts and I found myself sleeping in heaven, as Emerson's perfume and warmth,as well as the sound of his heartbeat surrounded me.

"I love you, Emerson. " I to myself internally but the connection of our hearts made him say it back .

"I love you more, Sally. " How can he understand my feelings so well.

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