The reunion

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It's the first time in years, I am witnessing,Selena crying,that too in my arms, I haven't seen are crying so inconsolable, before today, not to when we're dating, seven years back. Her state broke something within me, and the strong urge, to kill that old man, Charlie was prevalent.

"I don't want to, my, Emerson." She said while letting out a soab, and I rubbed her hairs, trying to make her feel comfortable. As, Sally sobered a little,I decided to take back, the car in reverse direction to gave, that Charlie a good lesson of making "my woman" cry.

"Where are we going?" Sally asked all of sudden. "To get revenge of your tears." I replied to which she gave me an incredulous look. "Emerson, don't, if I wanted revenge, I wouldn't have dragged you out of his house, instead would've created drama, then and there only,and would have left everything to you." She explained and then glanced into my eyes, with some unfathomable emotion.

"You know, that's what Charlie wants, he wants me to drag men that is you, dad and Alexander,so that he'd prove his family, that women are nothing without men, and then his theory would proved to be correct, if I took you there." She said and that makes me, learn more about the woman that, once used to be an open book, but now read other people very well and herself is a mystery box.

Selena has managed to become a good observer and mind reader, that she wasn't, Which made me, wonder has she read me the same way she read others?

Agreeing to her wish, I decided to take the car back to the hotel, but to lighten, Selena's mood, I took her to a my grandpa's old villa, which was away from city and I took this moment, as an opportunity to work on us, "Where are we going Emerson?" Selena all of sudden asked, "It's a surprise for you. " I smile and replied. "You know, I hate surprises. "

"But your patience, will worth it." I replied and continued driving as at last we reached our destination,  Selena has always been a sucker for old abundand villa like this, she always wanted to know and live the life's of people who actually live there and I think, this place will make her happy, as I opened the door of car for her, she thanked me and explore, although this place appears to be haunted but, seeing my wife's face, she wasn't scared by this place ,as she smiled. "Is it the house you used to talk about?" She asked to which ,I nodded.

When she told me about her love for Mansions, situated in solitary places, like this, I promised her to bring her here one day, and today I fulfilled the promise.

"Told you ,Emerson Black never, break his promises. "

"Yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes and began, to explore the garden, which was illuminated due to moonlight, this place was very romantic and beautiful.

"This place is beautiful,  Emerson, thank you for bringing me here." Sally brought me out of my thoughts as she grinned and look towards the sky, she always does that when, she's out in a clear night, she told me, looking towards sky makes her heart swell with happiness, and it feels like all her worries are vanished . Her beliefs were proven to be extremely helpful to me, in these five years of me being away from her, as now I realized, I have been staring at her for too long, as she caught me looking at her but this time neither me or her wanted to end our little moments as, the old feelings was nostalgia was evident, when in past we used to look at eachother like this just before kissing. The strong desire to kiss her was burning within me, as her eyes too were filled with passion, Sally would never initiate, the kiss like she used to in past, so I decided to take the first step towards her, and to my surprise there was happiness on her face as she, kept her hands against my wrist, and slowly tried to cover the distance between us, I too followed her as, now I found myself, pressing capturing her lips against my own.

Oh my God! I missed it.
She still tastes the same as she used to ,this woman was aging like a wine, I refused to distance herself from me as our tongue was battling against eachother, and neither did she wanted to leave me, as it's like a home coming. After few minutes,I decided a chance to gave both of us a chance to breathe, as now Sally let out a morn, which was like a sweetest melody my ears were hearing after ages, and that morn was enough to get me aroused, including Selena's eyes. Instead of distancing herself from me, Selena grabbed my tie and again,  pressed her lips against mines, as now I lost myself under her spell, our bodies rubbed against eachother as, now her legs were wrapped against my body, I carried her inside, the villa, as now my hands were on the zipper of her dress, I decided to ask her. "Can I?"

"Stop asking, Emerson, Just continue and don't speck, out of syllabus. " Her boldness made me chuckle as I unzipped her dress and made her stand in nothing but her undergarments, "You've grown so much, Selena. "

"Is it a compliment?" She asked as I linger my hand, over her breast, while playing with her bra strap.  "YEAH" I replied as I pressed a kiss on her shoulder, but my eyes fall on the jewelry against her neck, which was hidden under her dress, the key pendant that, I gifted to her on our anniversary,  she still wear, it in past she used to wear in in her bracelet, "You still, wear it." I asked as she was busy in unbuttoning
my shirt, "You too." As she glanced at the lock pendant in my neck. As now her eyes were filled with moisture as she hugged me.

"Why?" I found her asking, but instead of answering her , I whispered against her ears, "First let's finish what' ve started. " as I unhook her bra letting it fall on ground.

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