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I looked at Emerson, astonished this man can read me so well, I need someone like him in my life although we both are really made for eachother but do really he thinks the same.

"What are you thinking?" I asked and he smirked "That we'd grab ice-cream on our way to home. " I blinked my eyes, and looked at him incredulously.

"Yeah, ice-cream!!" I heard Lily and Peter sang in a unison manner .

"You're wrong darling." My inner self mocked making me angry.

"But still he's made for me" I fought with her.

"Keep dreaming." I rolled my eyes and tried to divert my mind somewhere else.

"It feels like, you wanted to hear something else." Emerson whispered so that children couldn't hear,I rolled my eyes and looked at him incredulously.

"We've time to talk about it, later, right now lets grab some ice-cream." I replied as he drove the car.



After grabbing ice-cream, we started our journey the way towards Sally's home but it started raining heavily as we sat inside the car , the children were asleep and Sally was looking out of the window enjoying rain, she loves rain , I couldn't help but remember the day I first discovered it.


It's one of the days , when Laura and James planned a family dinner it was just a coincidence that day Sally was returning from her trip to Sweden , she was visiting her maternal grandmother before joining medical school, and it's been months since any of us saw her. James and her dad was too drunk or I say busy with their sponses and lovers that, James requested me to pick her up and I with the fear of spending my evening with Camelia agreed just because sometimes, Camelia can be irritating and out of both of James's sisters I prefer Selena over her , because I knew her before , Laura introduced James to me and felt connection with her before actually knowing her.

I was excited to pick her up and was starving to see her face,after so many days, when I finally reached the airport and grab my umbrella after parking the car , I found something unique all the people present at the airport was standing in shed outside the airport but , Sally with her raincoat and boots was getting wet in the rain, I smiled at her childish behaviour, I just wanted to hug her and tell her about how much I missed her but my body was enjoying the view , she's wearing a purple colour coat that day , purple is her favourite colour and then she noticed me, and blinked her eyes, she's making sure that, she wasn't dreaming , she approached me and touched me with her finger, I was just appreciating her beauty after so many months , I was too zoned our to speak something, until she asked.

"Is it really you, Emerson or am I dreaming again?" I blinked my eyes as her words replayed in my head and smirked.

She dreamt about me that means she missed me and the feelings aren't just one sided.

"So, you missed me huh?" I asked and she gasped, "Omg! He's talking that means he's real." She said making me chuckle at her comment, her face turned red.

"You dream about me, Sally?" I asked as the smile played on my lips and I grabbed her wrist to make her face me, at first her eyes was on my shoes , and then she looked into my eyes , and I in her blue ones, it's beautiful to look at my reflection in them , it's the time , I realised we're standing dangerously close to eachother and our lips was about to make contact with on another, Sally's eyes were fixed on my lips, it appeared to be like a she's seen her favourite dessert, my hold on umbrella was distracting us.

"Answer me, Sally." I asked and from my lips she looked into my eyes, she took the umbrella from my hand and threw it making me exposed to the rain , before I could speak something, she placed her small hands on my face and pressed her lips on mines.

I was too astonished by her actions before kissing her back with the same passion as her own , it was our official kiss the first one happened in a truth and dare game in school.

That was the day I realised, Sally was unique and a perfect woman for me.



"Emerson!" Sally brought me back to reality after keeping her hands on my knuckles. I looked at her and it appeared to be like she read my thoughts.

"Thank you for agreeing, to be there guardian ." She said while looking in , the children's direction who were already fast asleep, I smiled "Even if you've not asked me, I would have done it by hook or crook." I replied , she again gave me a tight smile and looked out of the window, it felt like she wanted to say something but was unable to.

There used to be times, when I could communicate with her even on pin drop silence, but because of my selfishness, I couldn't understand her even when she's talking.

"Emerson, we're getting married in three days, aren't you nervous." She again asked nervously, I sighed.

"Don't worry, Sally, we're marrying for the children's sake , there shouldn't be any husband- wife relation between us but of friendship. " I assured her , have it been my old Sally , she'd have fought me but this Sally seemed to be happy with my decision.

Indeed , living with new Sally will going to be difficult, but Emerson Black love challenges, the way he loved his old Sally.

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