Charlie's house

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Emerson, didn't thought twice before accompanying me to Grandpa Charlie's house, he have been very supportive throughout the day till, the door of his house,  and now too he holded my hand in his indicating that everything is gonna be fine, and if not he's going to handle everything,  just like he used to do in past, when we had an official relationship.

He pressed the doorbell and within seconds, the housekeeper, Lady Dora, opened the door,the woman is very much loyal to grandpa, and is working for him as far as I remember ,visiting Grandpa Charlie and Ethan, Evelyn in summer holidays,  we had a golden childhood and has spent a good amount of time together, but everything changed when my real Grandpa passed away,  well I don't want to remember that time, I sighed as Lady Dora, greeted us and gave us space to enter in , she's not much a talker, and don't speck to anyone except Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Julianna.

As we entered inside the hall, we're greeted by Grandpa, Grandma, Ethan and Camilla,  except Grandma no one seems to be delighted by our presence,  even I didn't wanted to be here, "It's been a while, Sally. " Grandma said as she engulfed me in a tight hug, she reminded me of my real Grandma Katherine, who is currently in Italy, she doesn't have a good relationship with them as Charlie, being greedy over Grandpa's inheritance, well I too don't like this man.

Grandma's eye lit up seeing Emerson,  as she spoke "You must be Emerson, the guy who stole my Sally's heart. " Emerson nodded and greeted her, through my peripheral vision, I can see other three people were glaring on Grandma, as she recognized my husband.

As, I made my way to greet, Grandpa and my now brother-in-law and sister, Grandpa Charlie spoke "It's time for dinner, assemble on dinning table now." I knew this guy would be mad at me, as he got up and made his way towards dinning table, Camilla and Ethan followed him. Grandma looked at us with apologetic eyes.

After, having a silent dinner, Grandpa Charlie asked me and Ethan to accompany him to his library while indicating, Camilla and Grandma to entertain my husband. I was freaking from inside but my husband, the love of my life, assured me the everything is going to be fine .

"Selena" I found, Ethan speaking as he took his seat beside his Grandpa, these to men are trying to scare me, but I am stronger then what they think of me, secondly as man more powerful then these two is waiting outside for me.

"Although, Selena I wanted you and my grandson to marry,but you chose to abandon my grandson, who is more than my son, to me to marry that billionaire, I haven't expected this from the granddaughter of my brother ,that's one of the main reasons, I am against the idea of handing my  family's inheritance to a woman. " Charlie spoke, and his words made my blood boil.

"Mr Charlie, who are you to decided the owner of my Grandpa's land, although I don't want that land but for the sake of my mother,I agreed to marry your grandson, but even the heavens didn't wanted us to be married. " I spoke fearlessly as ,I am tired of this and want to settle this issue, if mother heard me speaking to her uncle,  like this she'd surely going to abandon me yet again, but I want to settle this as I am sick of this headache.

Grandpa gave me a look of disproval, "It's not you but Walter's family blood speaking."

"Don't bring my family in this, otherwise you'll unable to handle the consequences. " I spoke in a voice double than his.

"Selena, is this a way to talk to my Grandpa, watch your tone before speaking. " Ethan shouted making me flinch but, I resisted the impact of his voice.

"Ethan are you supporting, Mr Charlie's stone age mentality. " I questioned him, making him out of words, I know Ethan isn't supporting ,him but he's just on Grandpa's side to make me feel bad, as I abandon him on the aisle, and I know Ethan has feelings for me, he's an open book ,I can read it in his eyes.

Before, Ethan could speck something, his Grandpa spoke up, "There no need to pour water on ducks back, son."

"Let's come to the point." And I for the first time I agreed, with him.

"Selena, I want you to gave guardianship of my great grandson, Peter to my grandson and daughter in law Camilla." He spoke so casually, as now I just want to throw the flower base on this guy's face. Not caring about his age.

"You know, I can't do that." I tried to be calm and spoke as casually as him.

"Why can't you? You got what you wanted, Selena you married Emerson Black and in future you guys will going to start your own family, you'd spend sometimes with you love,and you can even gave Lily to us." It's Ethan, who spoke now and I gave him the most incredulous look as, I could. I decided to end the conversation as these two men seem out of brain to me.

"Well, I am leaving and I don't want to gave either, Peter or Lily to you." I got up and decided to grab Emerson, to leave this shitty place, with mad people. "Then forget about the land." I found, Charlie speaking this man just lost, the one per cent respect that, I had for him.

I closed the door with bang, and dragged,  Emerson out with me, I will handle these people my way now, as now I am seated into Emerson's car, and he constantly asking me, "What happened inside, Will you tell me?" as we reached far away from, Charlie's house, I asked Emerson to stop the car, and he obeyed as, I engulfed him in a tight hug, as let my tears, flow.

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