Reason of her problems

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"Leave it!" I sighed "I don't want to  talk about it anymore." I said not because talking about him spin my head but I don't want to spoil my plans with Diana, she always suppressed her feelings just to make sure, I  don't get sad because of her problems, Because according to us sadness is a communicable disease, so do happiness.

Today,is one of the happiest day of her life, she's going to be in a first official relationship, and I don't want to spoil it, we took a seat and ordered, Italian food, It's our favourite. I tried my best to put aside my problems in a corner of my head assuring my conscience We will going to talk about it later.

"Sally, I never said it but I just want to learn the art of masking my emotions from you." I mumbled and gave me a sympathetic look. I half smiled "I learnt it from you, Diana."

"Come On Sally! If my mother would have abandoned me and just after that my ex-fiancee would have showed up, I wouldn't be unable to handle and would have broken down. " She defended herself.

"You want me to cry?" I asked she shooked her head.

"I don_" I kept my hand on hers, to  cut her off.

"You know after every night there's a morning, sometimes you just need to wait for the time to pass."

"These cycles of problems and happiness made me believe in hereafter, that how shortlived everything in this fragile life of ours is, but life of hereafter is everlasting. " I knew she didn't understood any of my personal experiences. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it, "I think I should consider your idea of abandoning this conversation." I chuckled and she seeing me smiled, she cared for me , I know.

"So, you were going to tell me something about you and Miles Miller. " At that moment her cheeks grew red, "Our Diana is blushing."

"Come On Sally!"

"At various events you told me that what Miles is doing in such  small events, it's because of me he attended those." I smiled because I knew it, love makes people do weird things, I am experienced and Miles being Emerson's bestfriend took up some of his habits.

We talked but unfortunately, Diana had an emergency so she'd to leave our home is a hour away from the hotel, we're here for my wedding which never happened, I decided to hand over my car to her and booking a cab back to hotel, because I left my laptop there.I am nervous to face Emerson again.

As soon as I reached hotel, I put on my mask and covered my hairs which I previously grab from my car, I am not ready to face him not when I am going through the rough patch of my life, I entered the elevator but sadly the most annoying person I have ever seen was also in the elevator, my Aunt Pamela, she's my mother's cousin and unfortunately Ethan's Aunt too, me and Ethan are distant cousin.

She was talking to someone over phone "Selena ran away, so we'd to marry Ethan to her half sister." I heard her talking, the gossip queen .

"I feel sorry for Kate, she'd gone through so much since the day she married that billionaire Bradley."

"Was discovering his illegitimate child wasn't enough that God snatched his eldest son and her daughter-in-law away from her.Now her daughter tarnished her image infront of the whole world, it'd should be, Selena in James place." This statement made my blood boiled, she brought my dead brother and my father's affairs in all this, I found smoke coming out of my ears, How can she talked about my parents like that, my father always tried his best to keep my mother happy, but still my mother's family with prehistoric mentality hates my dad.

"Selena doesn't have even a slightest idea about how much she's going to lose." Pamela muttered making my heart skip a beat because, I know what I am going to lose.

"Peter and Lily" I whispered and gaining her attention he hang up her phone and look at me with shock . "Is i..t you Se..lena?" She asked, I removed the mask from my face, making her panic, but that woman knows the art of hiding her emotions and clearing her mess.

I'll never forget that fact that just now I found this women wishing myself dead.

"All you had to do was to just  marry that guy for just few years, you spoilt numerous lives because of your stubbornness." She said through gritted teeth but I ignored her because I was already aware about the consequences.

"If you'd have married than right now there wasn't any need of wearing this." She muttered referring to my mask, but she needs to know that I did nothing wrong and it's not of that marriage shame, I am hiding myself.

"Instead would have been preparing for your honeymoon." I couldn't say quite for long, the word itself made me sick to my stomach, the idea of that man touching me made me feel nauseous.

"I didn't have a choice Aunt, the matter ran out of my hands because of that goddamn kidnapper." I tried to explain myself while gritted teeth but she seemed to be pissed off, and I know it's not because she's worried for my mother and me , it's because she lost the chance to get the money that my maternal grandfather left for me.

The story about my maternal family is long and it'll need ages to complete so I decided to skip that part for another day. As for now people know that my grandfather left his property for his daughter to inherit but due to my mother's family sick mentality, they put a condition that inorder to inherit her inheritance she'd to place a male successor which was my brother, Henry James Walters, who unfortunately died in an accident with his wife, five years back leaving his two children Peter and Lily who're twins and I'm their legal guardian, according to law the property would be handover to Peter my nephew but till he reached maturity, the property is safe with me.

But my grandfather's eldest brother who unfortunately is still alive feared that his ancestors property would be taken over my future husband , because according to their sick mentality husbands dominates their wife although if my future husband would have done that, I'd have handed over the divorce papers to him. He emotionally blackmailed my mother forsaking his half ancestors land.

The sick moron is eldest and my great- grandfather gave his all children an equal share from his property, he'd his but his eyes are on my grandfather's too, he asked my hand in marriage for his grandson, Ethan. She being emotional agreed, gaving me excuse that she wants to outshine her friends.

But as the marriage didn't happen, I don't know will Camilla will adopt my kids or will leave without anything?

Both of kids hates Camilla as well as Ethan plus that's the reason they didn't attended the wedding we send them to a summer camp for few weeks, I have exactly a month to figure everything out.Till they both enjoy their "honeymoon".

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