Someone Realizes Roshani Truth

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Priya is thinking about all the incidents of Pari and Mayra... From the day when they born... Ram and Priya memories with twins...

Priya recalls the incident when twins is 2.5 years old...


Mayra and Pari are playing... Priya is teaching them Alphabets... How to write and all... Priya sees Mayra is writing with left hand just like Ram... And Pari is writing with right hand just like priya...

Ram also sees this and gets happy to see Mayra is behaving like him...

Ram- Look Mayra is just like me...

Priya- Ya and Pari is like me...

Mayra with little legs comes near Ram and calls him papa...

Ram gets happy and picks her and plays with her...

Ram- Tell m what you learn today?

Mayra with small baby voice says - A to Z...

Raya gets happy...

Priya - She is totally on you... Just like you, she is also sharp minded...

Ram gets happy...

Pari is watching all this and starts to cry..

Priya picks her and plays with her...

Priya- Now you tell me alphabets...

Pari also with cute voice says- A to Z... Both raya gets happy...

Ram- Mayra is like me and Pari is like you...

Pari is totally mumma's girl...

Priya smiles and hugs pari...

Little Mayra hugs Ram tightly...

Raya are playing with twins...

After sometime -

Priya tries to feed twins...

Mayra eats cheese and sweets like Ram...But Pari is eating healthy food...

Ram gets tensed to see Mayra...

Ram never cares for his health... But he can go to any extent when it comes to his children...

Ram with serious voice- Priya...

Priya looks at Ram...

Priya- Yes...

Ram - Priya make sure that Mayra doesn't eat much sweet or cheese...

I mean we should go to doctor for suggestion...

We should have make peoper diet plan for twins... Mayra is like me and just like me she also loves sweets and cheese, chocolates and all... But i don't want to take any chance regarding my child...

Make sure Mayra doesn't eat much sweets and cheese.... She shouldn't have health issue like me...

Pihu is already healthy... We have to make sure that pihu also didn't eat much sweets and all... We can't be careless towards children's health...

Priya can sense that Ram is worried for Mayra...

Priya- We will go to doctor and make proper diet plan...

Ram agrees... From that day Ram is protective towards twins health...

Mayra is 5 years old when she eats lots of chees and Ram sees this and for the first time he lightly scold Mayra... That time priya goes out for some work... When Priya return she sees Ram scolding Mayra...

RAYA AND THERE CHILDREN BONDING Where stories live. Discover now