4. He Answered

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Then everything started to go back to normal as if nothing happened and then what was just a few seconds ago a crowd turned into a few people separating and going their own ways.

Even though I wanted to stay where I was and stay in the moment and just keep replaying it over and over in my head, there was no point as the one reason why I was there and my only purpose to being there was now long gone down the road in the far distance and out of sight.

Against everything in me I turned on my heels and started the short walk down the road back to the parks car park and to my car. I got in and started driving home with just one thing or one person shell I say on my mind.......Justin.


Once I got home, I found my mum in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea.

"Where have you been to?" My mum asked me with a confused look on her face as I got through the front door and closed it behind me and took my shoes off. "You always seem to be home when I get home"

"Oh I just took a quick drive to the park" I replied.

"That's unusual for you Lilly" My mum commented.

I wish she would just let me go up to my room, I want to check if I have got a text through from Justin as I just came to the realisation that I haven't yet checked my phone since I left my house earlier all because of what not long happened. "Yeah I know mum, but I just fancied getting out the house and getting some fresh air as it's such a nice day outside so I thought I would take a trip to the park as it's nice and peaceful there" I said. Knowing that I was only telling her part of the truth. At least I wasn't lying to her I thought.

"Well as long as your ok Lilly, that's all that matters" she spoke.

"Yeah I'm good, I'm just going up to my room though mum, I will be up there if you want me" then before she could say a word to me again, I made my way upstairs and went into my room, shutting the door behind me. Then a few seconds later I hear the tv being switched on in the living room and then I knew my mum decided to sit down and watch tv and left me to it which meant I was in the clear. Thank god.

I slumped on my bed and laid down and took a deep breath in and out and tried to take in and come to terms with what just happened previously at the park.

Then I remembered the whole reason why I wanted to rush up to my room in the first place. It was to see if Justin had messaged me or not while I was out at the park.

I digged into my pocket and fished out my phone and checked my home screen and to my disappointment I had nothing. Not one text. So I thought this is ridiculous and I was fed up of waiting for a text that might never come through so instead of waiting any longer, I decided to send him a simple text and if he didn't reply to that then I was just going to let it go. After all I need to remember that I don't really know this guy and we haven't been talking much so I can't really get too tied up in this. "Yeah right Lilly, that's easy enough for you to say". But I don't really know him but I wanted that to change so I can make more of a clear and fair judgment of what I want to do next about this whole situation.

Lilly: Hey

I waited and waiting to see if he would text back while staring at my phone. For some reason I felt a bit nervous but I don't know why? Then finally....... I got a message.

Justin: Ohh.... heyy, who's this?

Confusion then hit me, has he really already forgotten who I am? Is he serious right now? Or...... is he playing dumb?

Lilly: Umm.... it's Lilly..... we have spoke before.... when you texted me the first time you got the wrong number and you thought I was your driver?

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now