16. Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Its been a couple of weeks since the whole news article thing and I can say that things are going really well. Things have seemed to calm down and more and less forgotten about, people just put it down to a type error or a publicity stunt for them journalists and interviewers to get what they want.

Me and Justin are getting on really well, actually we could never be closer or better. It's almost if it's made us realise just how much we do truly like each other and how much we want to be around each other all the time and if the news article was true then it wouldn't of been too bad, it wouldn't of been the worse thing ever to happen or to ever be written about us, a lot more worse things could happen or be said about the both of us. Even I was coming round to the idea of us becoming public but I still held a few nerves about the whole thing so we're holding off for right now plus we're not even a proper couple yet, like boyfriend or girlfriend. Though that don't matter but I feel like we should be a proper couple before we come out public to everyone then hopefully it will show how we're serious about each other and that we're planning to be in it for the long run.

Justin did text me this morning to say that I have to cancel all my plans because he has a surprise for me and I have to be ready for 8pm tonight.

I mean have you ever felt in the pit of your stomach that something is going to happen, like something really good is going to happen. Well that's how I feel right now and I'm not sure why, I just feel like tonight, at this surprise that Justin has planned for us, that this good thing could happen tonight but I can't be sure.

Then a noice that came from my phone brought me back to the present. It was a text message. A text message that came from my best friend Penelope.

Penelope: Hey, did you want me to come over to help you pick out something for your date tonight? I feel like you might need my assistances? Xx

Lilly: Oh yes please Pen, thank you so much, can you read my mind or something? I was just about to text you? Xx

Penelope: Your welcome and haha maybe I can, but what a coincidence. Xx

Lilly: I know right! Anyways is it ok if you come here for about 4 as Justin is picking me up at 7 so I have to be ready for then. Xx

Penelope: Yeah of course, see you then. Xx

And with that my arrangements were made for Penelope to come round to help me get ready for the date I have with Justin a bit later.

Penelope was so good at that type of stuff as she has had more experience with getting ready and going out with friends or for dates than me as she has had so much more opportunities to be with guys and to go on dates so I knew my best friend was my best bet in the predicament that I was currently in. I trusted her, I knew she will help and she always seems to have my best interests at heart and the feelings are definitely mutual.


"God where did you get this from?" My best friend asked me while she was holding up a jacket from my wardrobe that I had brought ages ago and now regret.

Penelope came over as promised and we were now in the process of getting me ready for mine and Justin's date and we were going through my wardrobe, trying to find something out of there to wear.

"Oh I got that ages ago for a reason that I can't quite remember, anyways your meant to be helping me find something for my date tonight with Justin not to go through memory lane" I smiled while giving her a stern look.

"Yeah sorry, so do you have any ideas at all at what you might want to wear?" "No not really Pen, I mean that's why your here right? To help me, your the professional here" I said with a chuckle.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now