20. Was You With Her Or Not?

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It's been 3 weeks since Justin had left to go home and I couldn't lie, I have been missing him terribly and it's been a lot harder than I thought which is saying something as I already knew it would be hard but not this much.

Me and Justin have been keeping in contact. We have been talking everyday, as much as we can like we promised each other whether that would be through text, call or FaceTime.

I am a bit worried though as usually everyday Justin would always text me in the morning to say good morning. Even though there was a time difference, we had worked that out so we both always knew what time it was in both countries. But I haven't yet heard from him and it was currently 1:43pm in the afternoon so I was getting concerned. I'm trying to not worry though as even though it's strange and unlike Justin, I know how busy he is with his job. Especially now with promoting his new album so I was trying to understand and not to get over panicked.

To take my mind of things I thought I would see what was on tv. So I took a seat on the sofa and switched the tv on. I was going through the channels, while in the process of doing that, I got to a news channel and had to stop as I heard my boyfriend name which caught my attention. So I flicked back to the news and watched it with so much concentration on my face and once I heard what the news woman was saying, my eyes shot open and I started to feel panicky and my eyes started to stink with tears and my breathing was starting to get quicker.

"Has Justin Bieber got a new girl or she'll we say a old girl? Well we think so, as last night Justin was spotted going into a club in California with non other then his ex girlfriend, Selena Gomez".

I couldn't hear it anymore, it just became fuzzing in the background. I switched off the tv and got up while throwing the remote on the sofa in pure anger, upset and frustration. What's going on? He can't be..... please can that not be right. I thought to myself with the tears starting to stream down my face quickly now. What do I do? I don't want to call Penelope just yet till I know what's going on and the same goes to my mum. Plus I don't want them to hate Justin just I'm case it ends up with him not doing any thing.

After about half an hour of what seemed like constant crying, I found myself just sitting there and staring into space with my mind completely blank. That was until anger started to rise inside me. I needed to talk to Justin and see what he has to say for himself even though he probably will deny it whether he has done something bad or not.

I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Lilly: Tell me the truth, did you go to the club last night?

I locked my phone and I placed it on the coffee table in from of me waiting for his reply. If he can't even have to audacity to respond to me then I don't know what I will do. It's just a waiting game now.

5 minutes turned to 10 minutes then 10 minutes turned to half an hour then before I knew it, over an hour had passed and still no response from him.

Saying I was annoyed, saying I was angry, saying I was upset was least of the matter. Why hasn't he replied. To me that just makes things seem more suspicious and it makes it look like he has got a guilty conscious. Why else wouldn't he reply? I mean am I over thinking this? I mean I don't think I am. No..... I'm not. I have the right to act, think and feel the way I have been and still currently am. I think most people would in my position.

Wait, now things make sense slightly more. Justin usually always texts me or at least gets hold of me some how every morning at least and he didn't this morning. Could that have any thing to do with the rumour about Justin being seen going to the club last night with non other than his ex girlfriend. And not just any ex girlfriend may I add but freaking Selena Gomez of all people. She's the one who broke Justin's heart into a thousand pieces. Justin's wouldn't be that stupid to go back to her would he? Especially now he's with me. Will he?

Urrrr I can't keep doing this. I'm going crazy with all these thoughts that are in my head. It's almost like my brain has split into to two and both are now fighting each other. I can't deal with this. I need some space and to get away from here for a bit to clear my head. Justin isn't replying and I can't wait any longer.

So I decided to get in my car and just take a long drive. I have no destination in mind, I just was going to see where I ended up. Wherever that might be.

Minutes later, I found myself driving down familiar roads I have seen before but couldn't quite put my finger on when. I tried putting the radio on, thinking that might distract me and help take my mind of things. But no such luck as in the end, I had to turn it of as it kept playing Justin Bieber song which obviously made me think of him and if anybody hasn't noticed yet, I am trying to clear him from my mind.

I was driving through some trees that surrounded the road. It almost felt like the trees was acting as some kind of tunnel enveloping the road. I could see the end and if I wasn't much mistaken I could see the sea as well.

After about 10 more minutes of driving, for some reason I found myself in the same spot that me and Justin were a few weeks ago. In the spot where we stopped of to look at the view when we went on that drive just before he had to fly home. How did I end up here? I just wanted to go on a random drive, with no destination in mind. Preferably somewhere that didn't remind me of Justin or anywhere that we both didn't go together but some how I still ended up here.

I pulled over never or less and got out of the car. I walked over to the edge to look out. I thought, while I was here I was going to make the most of it. Make the most of the quietness, peacefulness and the calm of the atmosphere around me and the crashing of the waves below me.

I decided to face the sea and close my eyes and take everything in and let the breeze hit me. It definitely helped to clear my mind which was well needed.

Then a groan came from my mouth after hearing my phone making a noice, indicating that someone was calling me. Without looking at who it was, I answered it.

"Hello" I said, not thinking much about who it was. "Lilly is that you?" "Of course it's me, wasn't it you who called? Who is this?" "Please don't hang up, it's Justin, sorry I took a while to get back to you, I was in the recording studio".

"Oh was that so?" "Yeah I was, Lilly what's going on? Is everything ok?"

"I don't know Justin you tell me, where was you last night?"

"I went to a nightclub."

"With who Justin?"

"Just with a few friends, why? What's this about?"

"Cut the bull Justin, I saw you on the news, I saw you with her so don't lie to me."

"Lying to you? I'm not lying to you Lilly and you saw me on the news? What did they say on there? And what do you mean by her?"

"Yes I saw you, I saw you with your ex Selena Gomez and they said that she's your new girl or she'll we say old girl?"

"And you believe everything they say?"

"I don't know Justin, I don't know who or what to believe right now, you knew this was one of my fears, we discussed this before you went back home a few weeks ago, you knew how important this was to me, was you with her or not?"

"Yes I was but I can exp........"

And before I gave him a chance to reply I pressed the red end button to end the call as I had heard everything I needed to know in that moment and I put my phone back in my pocket and then I just took a big sigh while taking one last look at the view before taking the short walk back to my car.



All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя