22. I Love You

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It's been 6 days, that's nearly a week since I have last talked or seen Justin and I was missing him so much that words just can't explain the extent of how much I do miss him. Even though we have been physically apart for nearly a month now, these last 6 days has definitely been the hardest because of what's been going on between us and because of the other fact of us not communicating right now because of the space I said that I needed and then of Justin respecting my request.

But I'm coming to the realisation, especially in the last 6 days, is that I'm struggling to carry on without Justin. I want him. I need him. And I'm falling more and more for him if that's even possible. I just hope he's saying the truth about this whole Selena thing, other wise I'm going to look like a big fool. I need to talk to him. I need to settle this for good. I can't keep torturing myself over this any longer. I can't keep torturing him. I need my boyfriend back. I need my Justin back. I think he's been punished enough now.

Plus he's due to fly back here in about one months time and I certainly do prefer if we were both on good term with all this stuff sorted out before he touches London's ground. The last thing I want is things to be bad between us, or things to be awkward. Or even worse for him not to come here at all so I definitely need to sort all this out. The sooner the better.

Lilly: Hey, Umm, I think I'm ready to talk to you now if you are?

Almost like he was waiting by the phone for me to text him this entire time, I received a message from him straight away.

Justin: Hey, is everything alright? You don't know how happy I am to hear from you. And not that I'm complaining but I was expecting you to take a lot longer than 6 days to get hold of me. Do you think you have had enough space now?

Lilly: Yeah I'm fine, how are you? And I missed ya too much didn't I? I couldn't resist in texting you. And I think so, I hope so.

Justin: Good, Lilly I'm so sorry I promise there is nothing going on between Selena and I. I wouldn't even class us as friends, it's just an act that we have to put on for the press, I hate it but I have to do it as it's been planned by both of our managements. There's no getting out of it.

Lilly: I know, you don't have to say sorry. I believe you.

Justin: You what now?

Lilly: I believe you.

Justin: You believe me? Really?

Lilly: Haha yes I believe you. Is that so hard to accept lol?

Justin: No not at all. I'm just so happy that you finally believe me, that's all I wanted. I didn't care if no one else did, I only care whether you did or not. So you don't hate me?

Lilly: No Justin, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Quite the opposite actually.

Justin: Wait! What do you mean by that?

Lilly: Oh nothing, I just mean I really like you and I could never hate you.

Justin: Oh that's good then, that makes me feel happy.

I have something I want to say to him but I don't want to tell him yet. As I prefer to tell him in person and I'm trying to find the right way to go about telling him. If there is even a right way at all. I mean what if I say it and he don't feel the same which then results in him not saying it back to me? That would be the worse thing. I don't think I could come back from that.


I decided to wait till later on to talk to Justin properly after we have made up to ensure that he wasn't busy so we could talk more freely. I couldn't wait to see him in person to tell him what I wanted to tell him. So I was currently sat on my bed with my legs crossed and with my laptop in front of me with Justin's contact on the screen.

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