12. Confrontation, That's My Mum

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It was currently later that same night after my first date with Justin and I thought it was any good time than any to tell Penelope how it all went. So before I ended the best day of my life so far, I thought I would give her a quick text.

Lilly: Hey Pen, how are you? Do you have a few minutes to talk? Xx

Penelope: Heyyyyy, I have been waiting all day to here from you and of course I want to talk. How was it? What happened? Where did he take you? Did you kiss? Xx

I was smiling all the way through reading her text especially through the last question in her message. It also gave me butterflies in my stomach. If anyone wouldn't of knew then they probably would think that it was her who has been texting and has just got back from their first date with Justin Bieber.

Lilly: Wow haha, anyone would of thought it was you who just came back from the date, not me. Xx

Penelope: Well I'm excited for you Lils, you should know that. So are you going to tell me what happened or not? ..... actually scratch that I want to hear this all in person, can I come round to yours tomorrow at some point? Xx

Lilly: I do know that and yeah that's sounds good but my mum will be home probably all day tomorrow as it's a Sunday as you know she don't work on Sunday's so just don't mention anything to her ok? I'm not ready just yet to tell her. Xx

Penelope: Good, I will be around 1ish then. And yeah I won't be and don't take this the wrong way Lil but don't you think you need to tell her about all this now? As you have been talking to Justin for a few weeks now and you have just come back from your first date with him and she still don't know nothing. Xx

Lilly: I know and I will tell her soon at the right time though. Xx

Penelope: Ok if your sure, did you want me to be with you when you do eventually tell her? Xx

Lilly: No that's ok thanks, I should be alright. Xx

And that's how our conversation ended that night, we just confirmed about her coming over the next day and then said our goodbyes and that was it. And then the day that I was so nervous about but at the same time was so excited about was now indeed over and I had got through it with no hiccups and I felt like I can now let out a deep breath that I seemed to been holding in all day.


It was the following Monday morning when I got woken up from a knock on my bedroom door.

Yesterday Penelope did come round like we arrange and we had a good day, we just catched up on everything to do with Justin and our date. We talked a lot, ate and lot and watched movies in my room. Then she went home later that evening. Nothing really happened that was worth specking about, we just mainly talked about Justin and our date and any other conversation that we did have was just general chit chat about anything and everything.

As I grudgingly reached to my phone that was on my bed side table to check the time to only come to the shocking realisation that it was only 7:11 in the morning and it was way too early for me to be awake let alone someone knocking at my bedroom door. But I knew it could only be one person.

"Come in mum" I said loud enough for her to hear but showing my tiredness at the same time. Then before I knew it she opened the door and then shut it again behind her before then walking over to my bed and sitting down. And if her knocking on my door wasn't enough to show me that she wanted to talk about something then her coming in and shutting the door behind her and then sitting down on my bed was enough, I also knew that it must be something serious especially from the expression that was currently on her face. So I sat up with some nerves and concerns in me because I was confused about what was so serious that she wanted to talk to me about it right now.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now