23. Telling People

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Justin: Ready for what babe?

Lilly: I'm ready to tell people, I'm ready to come public with our relationship, if you still are that is?

Justin: Omg really babe? Are you sure? There's literally no rush, you have to be sure as once it's done there's no turning back? And of course I'm ready Lils.

Lilly: I know and I'm definitely ready, I definitely want to do this. But with one exception.

Justin: And what might that be?

Lilly: That we do this together and that we tell our families first before anyone else including before your fans?

Justin: I think we can do that. I think that's fair. We're tell our families first and then after that, we can write the post together and make sure we're both happy with it before we post it, does that sound good to you?

Lilly: Yeah that's perfect, thank you.

Justin: Your welcome, well now I really have to go haha. I love you. God that looks and feels even better in a text and I will speck to you soon ok?

Lilly: Ok and I agree. I love you. ❤️

Justin: And I love you too. ❤️


It was the following Saturday morning. I was currently in the house alone as my mum and sister was working and I was looking in my mirror doing my hair. I had not long got out of the shower and I was all ready and dressed for the day and all I had left to do was my hair.

I was trying to get a knot out of my hair that must of been made when I washed it, when I heard a knock on my front door downstairs. I tried to look out my bedroom window to see who it was as I'm always hesitant to answer the door if I don't know who it could be especially if I'm home alone but I couldn't see who it was as they must of been standing very close to the door to make it almost impossible for me to see from my angle. The only thing I saw was a black SUV car parked on the road just outside of my house.

I panicked a bit as I had a feeling that who ever was standing outside my front door right now, had something to do with that black SUV car. I didn't know what to do, I didn't think my sister would be able to help me. I didn't want to worry my mum if I didn't need too as she suffers from anxiety like me. There was only one person I had in mind who could help me or at least give me some advice on what I should do next.

I dialled the phone number I wanted and put the phone to my ear to wait for that voice that I always want to hear especially in this moment.

"Hey babe" I heard him say on the other end.

"Justin I'm sorry if your busy but I really need your help and I don't know what to do. My sister won't do nothing, I didn't want to worry my mum and my dads at work. I didn't know who else to call and......"

"Baby, slow down please, take a deep breath and tell me what's going on?"

"Well someone has just knocked on our front door and I don't know who it is. I can't see from my bedroom window. All I know is that I can see an unusual, suspicious black SUV car parked outside and it's worrying me Justin."

"Just keep breathing Lils, there's nothing to worry about. Just go and see who's at the door. Answer it, you might be surprised."

"That's easy for you to say Justin, plus I can't just go down there and answer the door, it might be a murderer or something. They usually drive them type of cars."

"Lils, trust me, it's not a murderer, just answer the door."

"How do you know that Justin?"

"Look, Lils, do you trust me?"

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now