14. My Treat

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Interviewer: "Well are you dating or seeing anyone Justin?"

I then saw Justin turn to me which then caused us to make eye contact. I started to shake my head slightly which luckily and unbelievably no one saw apart from Justin in attempt to try and get my answer to him. I just hope he knew what I was trying to tell him. I suppose I will now find out any minute now as he turned his head back around so he was now face the interviewer again.

Justin: "No I'm not but that's private anyway"

Interviewer: "Ok fair enough well that's all the questions that we have time for now so let's move on to the rest of the interview"


Thankfully the interview was now over, it only went on for about 40 minutes but it seemed like it went on for hours but thankfully apart from this mishap to do with Justin's dating life, everything seemed to go smoothly. After the questions from his fans, the interviewer mainly just asked him questions about his album and if he had anything new on its way or not that the fans can look forward too.

The interviewer was this blonde haired woman who looked to be about in her 30s. There was a few moments during the interview when she looked at me especially during the part when she asked Justin about his love life. It's almost like she knew or at least had a suspicion about us. She probably thought I was Justin secret girlfriend or even his sex partner but she would be completely wrong especially about the second one. I shivered at the thought. Maybe I should mention it to Justin. Or was I being too silly or paranoid? I guess I might find that out very soon.

"Babe is everything ok" Justin said as he had his hands on my shoulders, shaking me slightly while looking at me while being a bit concerned. I must of been to busy in deep thought to notice Justin approaching me from where he was just sitting during the interview itself.

"Yeah I'm good, sorry I must of been daydreaming or something. I lightly chucked while trying to hide my concerns about the interview lady but I don't think I succeeded judging on what he said next.

"Lilly I know when you lying to me by the way you look down and fondle with your fingers" he said while trying to hold my hands to steady them.

"Nothing gets past you does it?" I said and lightly chucked again. "No it doesn't when it concerns you Lilly, it worry's me when your not ok".

"Ok well I was just worrying about that question that you got asked about to do with your dating life" I spoke with some nerves at what he might say. "And then it's the way that women was looking at me while you was being  interviewed".

"What women?" He asked me. "The blonde one that was interviewing you" I replied.

"Look there's nothing to worry about, she's just being nosey, don't let her get to you, that's probably what she's wants which is to try and see your reaction from it, I should think it's part of her job to get all the news and coverage of things and people".

"Yeah I'm sure your right, it's probably just me being silly, ignore me Justin, I will be ok, it's just my mind over thinking again".

"No I won't just ignore how you're thinking Lilly, that stuff is important to me believe it or not and it's not just you over thinking, if it matters to you that much for you be be acting and reacting this way towards it then it's important and it matters to me too and it's worth at least a chat about it ok?"

"Ok yeah I understand, your right, thank you Justin, I'm glad we have talked about it, I do feel a little bit better now, you always seem to do that, you always seem to know what to say".

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now