15. News Article

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That's what the news article read and I couldn't believe my eyes. The world seemed to be spinning and I was definitely panicking. And all I knew was that Justin was trying to do the best as he could to calm me down and it wasn't working too well. Plus I could tell, especially in his eyes that he was panicking too, it must be seeing me like this that caused it. He probably didn't have too much experience when it came to panic attacks.

"Lilly look at me? Take deep breaths and calm down ok? We can sort this, we can fix this, do you need me to call anyone for you?" "I'm .... trying ...... Justin, but what .....are we... going..... to do" I asked him between breaths. I was trying really hard to calm myself down and I had faith in Justin to help me with that as he usually seems to do a really good job at making things better and easing my nerves so now more than ever I was hoping that would be the case again now.

"Well firstly were going to get you to calm down a bit and then once we have achieved that, I'm going to get in touch with scooter to see what he can do about it all, look Lilly we will sort this and if your not ready for us to come out about being together and say that it's all true then we will think of something to cover it up, we will get to the bottom of it".

Then all at once, it hit me, it hit me so hard that I almost had the wind taken out of me. "Justin ...I think... I know who ....did this" I said clearly still struggling to get a breath in but I knew I was finally starting to come more steady and calmer which was a relief not just for me but I think also for Justin too.

"Who Lils? Who could of done this to us?" He asked. "I think it was that blonde woman who interviewed you, it has to be her" I replied. "Really? How can it be her?" He asked back. "Well firstly she was the one that interviewed you in the first place then secondly I told you about how she kept looking at me and when you answered her question about your love life I knew she didn't really believe you from the look on her face, I knew there wasn't something quite right about her" I fought back. "Look Lilly we don't know that, we can't just go around blaming people for things without any evidence to prove it" "I bet I'm right Justin, just think about it, she was a bit stuck up anyway and when she asked you that question, you could tell she didn't believe you and she kept giving me dirty looks like she didn't like me for what ever reason, I think she was jealous for whatever reason, it totally makes sense, she could of easily went back to her boss and made this story up and they wouldn't of questioned it because at the end of the day they would make a lot of money on a good story about a big celebrity and that would probably be all they care about, it's basically perfect" I said feeling proud of my evidence to prove my point.

Then it looked liked by his expression on his face that in that moment, he knew exactly what I meant and agreed with what I said completely.

"That b***h, I need to get hold of scooter right away, how could she do that? Are you going to be ok for a minute while I'm on the phone?" "Yeah I will be fine, you go ahead, I want this sorted as soon as possible".

Then before I knew it Justin had his phone to his ear waiting for his manager to pick up. All I could do was wait there while looking around to try and distract me from what going on well bouncing one of my legs up and down while gripping on to the sofa to the point where my knuckles turned white out of pure nerves and anticipation on what might happen next and what scooter possibly might do about the situation. I was so worried and I think Justin was too but I had a deep feeling that the worry he had was mostly for me rather than himself.

"Ok scooter, thank you so much for your help man, stay in touch" Justin said as he ended his phone call. "So what happened? What did he say?" I asked him in pure panic. "Well he said that he's going to look into it and get the team on it and track this woman down and in the mean time even though it might be hard but it will be for the best, he advised us to stay low and keep out of public view and to also stay of social media and in no means reply to any messages or comments that might relate to the news article". "Oh Justin how do we expect to do that, how do we just try and ignore it? And does that mean we're stuck in here for a while?" "I'm sorry Lil, this is the best thing for right now, we don't want to make things worse and we certainly won't want to fuel any of the rumours by going out so yes, it does look like were stuck in here for a bit so I suggest you get hold of your mum and maybe even Penelope to update them on what's happening and that you need to stay here with me for a bit longer".

So I did just that, I messaged Penelope back to tell her what's happening and she felt sorry for me but said that she was there if we needed her and then I phoned my mum. She was shocked to say the least and she didn't know what to say. She was angry but not at me or Justin but at the woman who interviewed Justin. She also said that she was there if we needed her. With that it did bring me comfort to know that my mum and best friend were in the loop and was on our side, supporting us. That did feel good and helped calm my nerves along with the knowledge that scooter was doing everything in his power to help the situation too.


It had currently been a few hours since we saw that the news article was released and to say that I was going out of my mind would be an understatement. Then all of sudden Justin got a phone call. "It's scooter" he said while looking down at the caller ID. Before another word and before I knew it he was pressing the green answer button and putting the call on loud speaker.

"Hey man, whats new?" Justin into his phone to scooter on the other end. "Well we have done some digging and your suspicions was right, it was the woman who interviewed you this morning Justin and we have got in touch with her team and they have now fired her and took her rights away of ever interviewing or reporting again and they have put a statement out saying how the topic of the article wasn't true and they have also issued a apology to you both and all of your fans Justin". "I also suggest that you put it up on your social media's saying it's not true and maybe tagging or putting a link up to there statement to show prove of the misunderstanding as some people might not believe it otherwise". "Thanks so much scooter" me and Justin both said down the phone in appreciation, "we couldn't do this without you and we're get to that straight away". "Your welcome and in the mean time you can now go out in public and be together but just be careful how much you publicise things as it could come back bad on our end, especially if your both still not ready to be public yet and for business purposes in the future, can you both keep me updated on your relationship statuses so I'm clear on what's going on?" "Of course man, thanks again" Justin said as he had ended the phone call.

"Thank god for that" I said as me and Justin signed from relief once the phone line to scooter went dead. Is it finally over Justin?" "I think so babe, I think so".

And with that I took the first sigh of relief that I had took all day or at least that was what it felt like.



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