8. Second Thought Nerves

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It's been about a week since I received them red roses from Justin and it has felt like a long dream that you just don't want to get out off. We have talked non stop and we have grown so much closer. And I have done a lot of thinking about us meeting up. He hasn't mentioned about it much and there's been no pressure on his part. But while we have been talking this past week, I have grown more and more comfortable with him and the thought of him being famous has grown further and further away from my mind even thought the concert is definitely still there.

I think is time to mention that I'm ready to meet up with Justin. He did say whenever I'm ready he will be. He said he would wait however long it takes for me to be comfortable with it. Which is really sweet of him and actually that has helped to speed up the process a bit as it shows me that he cares and he don't want to rush me and he wants to do it on my terms so then I can be the most comfortable with it. He knows how much of a big issue this is for me. Plus I knew I haven't got too much more time to think about it as Justin would be going back home to the States in a few weeks time. He's only planned to be here for about a month. His team thought that he had all this press that he had to do for his new album over here in England so they thought instead of keep flying Justin back and forth from both countries it would just be better to try and just keep him here for about a month to do it all in one go. So he's currently been renting out a three floored apartment in London to stay at throughout the duration of his stay here. We have talked about that moment when he leaves to go back home to the States and quite frankly it was a hard subject to talk about as we both knew it would happen some time and what we had between us (whatever it is) we didn't want to loose it so we decided to try and work it out as much as we can, however hard it might be. He said he would try to fly over to me as much as he can to visit and then if things go well enough then we would both eventually find somewhere that's right for both of us to live together. But for now, I have to try and concentrate on the present and what's actually happening now now in this very moment. I have chose to try and not think about it too much until I have too.

So I finally plucked up the courage to grab my phone, open the text app and then I started typing away.

Lilly: Hey Justin, how are you? Xx

Justin: Hey babe, I'm good thanks, better now! How are you? Xx

Lilly: Yeah I'm good thanks, I have something to tell you? Xx

Justin: It isn't bad is it? Xx

Lilly: No, at least I don't think so. Actually I think this is a really good thing. At least I hope your think so. Xx

Justin: I see so come on then what might this thing you need to tell me is? Xx

Lilly: Well I have been thinking and I am now ready to say that I'm ready for us to meet up if you are? Xx

I read the message over and over again. Then I started to get really nervous. I felt this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I then started to get second thoughts. "Am I actually ready for this? It is a real big step especially for me" I pondered. "What if he don't like me in person? What if someone saw us? What if the paparazzi saw us? What if he's not looking for what I'm looking for? Oh god I could be on the news before I knew it! ...... Right calm down Lilly, your taking this right out or portion. I need to take one step at a time". And like my Nan always saids to me especially when I get anxious is "Nothing is ever as bad as it seems" and I believe that there is some truth in that. So I took that to heart in that moment and I took a few deep breaths and then took another glance at the message that was currently sat on the screen of my phone in front of me then I pressed that very familiar "reply" button that I have got to know very well over the last few weeks especially. I then waited in anticipation of his reply. I didn't have to wait long.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now