11. Sunset First Date Kissing

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It was currently quite a few hours later and Justin was right earlier when he said that the beach was only the start. He kept coming at me with all of the surprises. After we sat on the beach for a while and had our lunch, we just decided that we should go for a walk so he could show me something else he had planned. So we decided to go and walk through this forest that seemed so mysterious which then took us to this stunning lake on the southern edge of the beach which was stunning as the water sparkled in the sunlight, so we just stood there for a bit, leaning against what I thought to be some sort of wooden fence while me and Justin made light conversation. But it felt so romantic, especially in that moment, this place seemed really magical, it made me not what to leave or for this day to end and I couldn't decide whether it was because of the place that I was at or if it was the person who I was with but I had a strong feeling that it was a bit of both, it just left me with this really comforting and warm feeling almost like I was meant to be there in that that moment. And we even stopped at the little cafe that I didn't even know they had there for an ice cream to cool off.

It was getting late now as we were walking along the beach where we first started hours ago towards where the car was and the sun was starting to go down showing that our first day together was unfortunately coming to an end and I was exhausted but also happy and content. Even though I was exhausted, I still didn't want the day to end as everything had been perfect. More than perfect in-fact and I was really sad and disappointed at the fact that it seemed to go so quickly and everything seemed to be coming to an end.

"Have you had a good day? Your not sad that it's over are you?" He said as he broke the silence of our content slow walk while we were hand in hand. "I've had the best day, thank you so much for all this, it's literally been so perfect and to answer your other question honestly, yeah I am a bit sad, but it's a good sad, I knew our day was going to come to an end but not this fast, what about you?" "Listen to me, this is not the end, after today we have the rest of our lives to continue our journey if you want it too as I do and when today is over that is all it is, just today, we still have tomorrow and the day after that and so on, we can do this again when ever you like and plus the day isn't completely over yet and of course I don't want it to end either but I'm positive that there's more from where this came from".

We was nearly to the slope from earlier that lead us to where the car was parked when Justin all of a sudden stopped us in our tracks. He turned me to face him while he slowly lifted his arms so he was able to place both his hands softly and lightly on both of my cheeks in a way like he wasn't sure of his actions and then made me look into his eyes. "Before we go, I have one last thing I want to do" and before I had time to reply or process what he just said, he took my hand in his as he laced his fingers in mine and made our last few steps along the beach and up the slope to where the car was and then we walked just past the car and then to some railings on the other side of the car that looked over the entire beach. "What are we doing?" I asked, unsure of what the answer possibly could be. He then stepped behind me and then slipped his hands and arms around my waist and then rested his hands on my stomach and his chin on my shoulder. I felt so still and I couldn't move a muscle in that moment. I felt butterflies in my stomach which was so strong to the point when I thought Justin would feel them through my skin from his touch. And then if I didn't have enough butterflies in my stomach, he took his lips right up close to my ear to the point where I felt his warm breath that just made me shiver, he whispered "I wanted you to watch this to finish the day off perfectly". "Watch what?" I asked. He then did a light chucked like I just asked the most obvious answered question. "Look up babe" he said as he looked up too. All I could see was the most amazing colours, it was a mixture of oranges, pinks and purples. I was in fact watching the sunset. In that moment there everything was perfect, nothing was wrong in the world and all the worries and fears that I have had on and off through out the day had disappeared completely, I even forgot that I was with a celebrity, he just felt like a normal guy to me, that I have known for years and it felt like it was only just me and Justin in the world.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن