5. Lunch With A Friend

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I woke up the next morning at around 9:30am. It was Wednesday so finally half way there to the weekend.

I then hear a buzz coming from the chest of draws next to me. It was my phone. So I rubbed my eyes at a attempt at getting rid of the sleep from my eyes and I unplugged my phone from my charger and checked to see who the culprit was. I smiled and opened up the message, it was from my friend Penelope.

Me and Penelope have been best of friends since I was in college back about 5-6 years ago. And after we met, everything just clicked and we got on really well and we wasn't just the best of friends but were also like sisters and the rest or history.

Penelope: Hey hun, do you want to meet up today for lunch to have a catch up? Xxx

Lilly: Hey! And of course, I would love too! What time and place? Xxx

Penelope: What about at the Paladar in town at 1? Xxx

The Paladar was this Latin American restaurant that me and Penelope have went to a couple of times before, it was really nice with a comfortable ambiance and tasty food.

Lilly: That would be perfect, I will see you then. Looking forward to it! Xxx

Penelope: Great! And yeah see you then. Can't wait too! Xxx

This is perfect in a way. As hopefully this will take my mind of everything to do with anything Justin related. Plus I could do with a good catch up with Penelope as we haven't seen each too much recently as she's been busy with her work and her relationship breakup that she had last year. It was an emotional one. Even for me, seeing how upset she was, was so hard to watch. It was heartbreaking. I think we both needed this lunch.


1 o'clock soon approached later that day. I was all ready to meet Penelope for lunch so I wrote my mum a quick note telling her where I was and what I was doing as she was at work and she should be on her way home by now but I would of left by the time she gets here. She shouldn't mind. She probably will be glad that I have gone out to see Penelope. She knows how close we are!

I left my house and locked up and got in my car to make the half an hour journey to the restaurant. I parked up in the restaurant car park and got out my car and made my way to the restaurant doors. Once I got in I caught sight of my friend at a quiet corner at a two seated table at the back of the restaurant. I made my way over to the table she was sat at.

Lilly: "Hey"

Penelope: "Oh hey Lilly, I didn't hear you come in, it's nice to see you, I have missed you!"

She said as she got up and gave me a warm hug which she would usually give me when we first meet especially if we haven't seen each other for a while.

Lilly: "I have missed you too! She'll we sit down and order? I chucked."

Penelope: "Yeah of course". She chuckled along with me as we both sat down.

We sat in silence for a bit as we both concentrated on the menus in front of us and
we were trying to decide what we both wanted to eat and drink.

Once we ordered and the waiter finally walked away with our requests that's when Penelope spoke up and started up a new conversation.

Penelope: "So how have you been? What have you been up to? What's new with you?"

Lilly: "Well nothing much really, I just went to the park yesterday which was nice, what about you?"

I didn't know whether I should tell her about my encounter with Justin Bieber or not while I was at the park yesterday. And then there that whole situation with the other Justin and the wrong number. I mean I think I might as well tell her. She is my best friend and I do trust her. Plus she might be able to help me and give me some advice on the matter.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora