6. The Truth

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It was an hour later after saying goodbye to Penelope and promising her that we would do it again and to stay in touch and she made me promise her again to keep her updated on things before we parted our ways. I was now home, in my room, with my tv playing in the background. This was the perfect time to try out what Penelope suggested.

So I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and went to my messages. I clicked on Justin's contact and took a deep breath before I started typing.......

Lilly: Hey, are you free? Can we talk?

It didn't take him long to get back to me which made me smile but a bit nervous at the same time.

Justin: Yeah of cause! What's up?

Lilly: Well there's something I need to talk to you about. I need answers! Would that be ok?

Justin: Umm okkk and yeah I guess, go ahead.

All the nerves suddenly hit me. I knew I needed to tell him all the clues that I have gathered up from the last few days at him actually being the real Justin Bieber but I just didn't know where to start. I also didn't want to look stupid as even though it might be a small chance but it's a chance at that at he might not actually be Justin Bieber after all this.

Lilly: Over the last few days of specking to you I have come across lots of coincidences about you and Justin Bieber, I mean, I have a lot of evidence to hopefully prove that you are the one and only Justin Bieber?

Justin: Oh is that so? So can I ask what this evidence might be? 🤔😏 And if I were to turn out to be Justin Bieber, how would you react? You wouldn't leave would you?

Lilly: Yeah! Well firstly, I will start with the most obvious one which is you both having the same first name. I never thought to ask you what your second name is. I suppose I never had the need too and then there's the point that your both in London. Your also both currently mainly living in LA In America? Also there has been a few incidences which I more like to call "slip ups" that has occurred during our conversations.

Justin: I guess there are a few coincidences yeah! And what do you mean by "slip ups"?

Lilly: I don't know if you remember but towards the beginning of us talking, I said why I'm a big fan of Justin Bieber and why I like him and his music so much and you replied by saying "That's nice to hear!" Now why would anyone say it like that who wasn't actually him? And then when I mentioned to you about when I came across Justin Bieber when I was at the park and that he winked and smiled at me and you said "Oh that was you? Along with "I heard that if Justin Bieber winks at you then it means that he likes you" I mean that's just all made me very suspicious and that's when it all started. When my fascination of your true identity actually started. Look Justin, I'm not trying to catch you out or nothing. all I want here is for you to be honest with me and to tell me the complete truth. I think I deserve that. There's no need to be scared or frightened. I won't react the way you probably think I will which I think is badly. I think it will be the opposite?

Justin: I'm just scared to tell you that's all I mean I didn't know how you would react especially when I found out how much of a fan you are, I just didn't want to disappoint, I don't want you to stop talking to me. I'm really liking and enjoying talking you, I just didn't want it to all end. Doing what I do and being who I am, not many people want to talk to me for the right reasons or for good intentions. The past years have taught me that I need to protect myself and I have to be careful who I surround myself with so I don't get used again. Sorry for lying to you and not telling you. It's nothing personal. I promise. I just was unsure and scared.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now