18. Starting To Fall

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I slid my phone back in my pocket before looking through the peephole in the door to see who it possibly could be.

I saw a middle aged man dressed in all white with a white cap on, holding what looked to be a bunch of flowers. Still confused, I opened the door with a smile to match.

"Hi, can I help you with something?" I asked, resting my hand on the doorframe.

The man was heavyset and jolly, kind of like Father Christmas if he didn't have a beard. He even had the red cheeks and nose. "I have a delivery for a...." he paused, looking at the card in the beautiful summer-like bunch of flowers. It was starting to feel like deja vu with the red roses situation. His eyes scanned it and his smile was fleeting. He looked back up at me, forcing a tight lipped grin and an immediate flush in his cheeks, unlike the one he originally had. "Lilly?"

"That's me", I said, still unsure of the situation. I took the flowers, then thanked the man who looked like he wanted out of the situation as soon as possible. I pursed me lips and knocked the door shut, looking for the little white card that the delivery man had between his fingers just moments before. I did, lifting it to my eyes and reading the small black print. This was a very familiar occurrence, it had happened before but when I read the card, I knew the flowers was from the same person as before but instead of them being just from a famous guy that I had hardly knew in person and just come of my first date with but they were from my newly boyfriend which somehow made them even more special.

"Miss you already, GIRLFRIEND. Can't wait to see you later".
-Justin. X

Suddenly, I was blushing again, I set the extremely beautiful pink flower arrangement on the counter top, too infatuated with the note to even notice the expensive bouquet. I loved them, even if I was a little shy about it and he always paid attention to detail, I mean he knew my favourite colour is pink so I don't think the flowers being pink was a coincidence.

Justin had a way of doing that. Just by having some flowers sent here with a simple note attached to them.

I immediately took my phone out of my pocket, finding my messages with Justin before hurriedly texting him with a smile on my lips and warmth in my cheeks.

Lilly: You're irresistible, Justin Bieber.

Justin: Only for you, Lilly Clark.

Lilly: The delivery guy couldn't get away quick enough. He read the note. It was almost like he knew we were in a new relationship and knew what we had done last night. You should of seen his face.

Justin: I bet it doesn't compare to your face. It's so beautiful by the way.

I didn't respond, I was too busy thinking of a way to repay Justin for his immensely kind gesture that made both myself and the delivery man blush.


It was later that day, 5:11pm to be exact. I was currently waiting to be picked up from Justin's apartment to go and watch his live performance for Instagram that starts at 6pm. Justin was at the venue and he couldn't leave as he had to get ready himself so he sent one of his drivers instead.

Almost on cue I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Justin's driver so I grabbed my bag and headed for the front door.

"Thank you" I simply said as I climbed into the back of the car as he held the door open for me and closed it a short time after.

We pulled up to the venue and I was assorted to Justin who was in his dressing room still getting ready according to scooter.

I knocked on his door and waited for a response. "Hold on scooter, I'm just getting changed, I promise I won't be late" he said. "Oh so I have to wait for my boyfriend to get changed before I see him, that's no fun" I said in a teasing tone. "Lilly is that you?" "Yeah of course who else would it be? Unless you have a secret other girlfriend Bieber". "Of course not just come in you tease" he said with a smirk on his face as I walked through the door while closing it behind me. He then came up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now