9. Preparation

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I ran to the door and threw it open to reveal my best friend standing there before me with a smile plastered on her face.

Penelope: "Hey, so she'll we get started? Tell me what's been going on? Why did you call me over here so fast?"

I ushered her in and we sat down on the sofa and as we got comfy I started telling her about my dilemma.

Lilly: "Well I finally plucked up the courage to ask Justin if he wants to meet up."

Penelope: "Omg well done Lil, I'm so proud of you! And what did he say to that? Because from what you told me before I think he would be over the moon with that?"

Lilly: "Yeah I think he was, he seemed really happy! We have even set a time and date to meet for this Saturday at 11am."

Penelope: "Lils that's great! And you do mean like in 2 days time? Like this Saturday right? And also why am I getting the feeling like there's more to this?"

Lilly: "Yeah exactly in 2 days time! And probably because there is more to this. The majority of me is really happy and excited but there's a small amount of me that I can't ignore which is just filled with nerves and fear and that's why I need you."

Penelope: "Aww Lilly, everything will be ok! Your just over thinking it all. There's no need to worry or be scared, do you know what's making you feel that way?"

Lilly: "And that's easy for you to say. And I think I'm just worried about the whole thing but these certain thoughts keep swirling around in my head like "will he like me in person?" "What if the paparazzi see us?" "What's going to happen and what's he planning?" And then there's more simpler thoughts like "what am I going to wear?" I was really just hoping you would help me with all this. I didn't know who else to call"

Penelope: "Well firstly let's slow down and take a breather. And you done the right thing calling me, you know I'm always here to help you if I can. And I know 2 days don't sound like much but it's enough time for what we need it for which is to get you ready. We just need a plan ok? All the things you said you just can't control, theres things that you have to just wait and see what happens and go with the flow with and everything will be ok, everything will happen how it's meant to, plus Justin knows all about the paparazzi, remember he has grown up being surrounded by them most of his life so you can't be in saver arms than his and he will know how to protect you from them and if you just want to be sure then when he picks you up just make sure that it's the first thing you mention to him about so he knows or just text him before if you can't wait that long and of course he will like you, how can he not? And then about you not having anything to wear well we can fix that by going shopping tomorrow to find you something and then on the day I will come over in the morning before you go if you like to help you get ready and for just moral support."

Lilly: "I knew calling you round would be the best thing, I knew you would say the right things. Thank Pen, this really helps me. And it will make me feel better with you being with me every step of the way."


It was the next day and me and Penelope was currently at the Westfield shopping centre in the centre of London. She was sticking to what she said about finding me something to wear for tomorrow when I meet up with Justin for the first time.

Penelope: "What about this one Lils" she said while holding up a burgundy tight fitting dress.

Lilly: "No sorry that's not really me"

I then looked down to look through the various different coloured and designed dresses.

"Arrrr I can't find anything Pen, there's literally nothing here that's perfect enough for our first time meeting" I said.

All Started With A Message (Justin Bieber Fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now