Chapter Thirty-Two

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*Tarkin's Cruiser*

"The Jedi is no good to me dead," Tarkin tells the Sith Lord, as electricity shoots through Ar'iabel's body.

"Her resistance is impressive. But I will break her. She may be a Jedi of old, but I know their training."

"Is it possible she knows nothing of any other rebels?" Kallus asks, as he enters the cell.

"Perhaps," Tarkin responds, turning for the door, "I recommend we transfer her and the Knight from Lothal to another location. One that never fails to extract a confession." He slides the cell door open.

She's breathing heavily, leaning against her restraints, "So, you're taking me to Mustafar, fine by me."

"You don't have to go, I can give you a swift death now, if you were to tell me of the other rebels cells."

"I got no clue about other 'cells'. I've heard of individuals on planets, standing up, but no cells. If I did know, what makes you think I'd even tell you anyway? I have made my feelings about the Empire, and their policies very clear, especially to the Emperor."

"I was instructed to offer you one final chance. You have over used our good will. From now on, we won't be so kind to you, or your friends."

Keen looks up, letting out a pained bark of laughter. "You've been being kind? You coulda fooled me. We had a deal, the Emperor and myself. You go about your business, and I go about mine, but you don't interfere with what I do!"

"All that changed when you aligned yourself with these Insurgents," the Sith Lord growls, leaning in to the girl. "Now, I have no other choice, than this." He leans over, once again starting the electricity.

Her body archs angrily, pressing hard against her restraints, her screams echoing through the ship. Slowly, they cut out, Keen's body slumping forward, unmoving.

*Ghost Crew*

Sabine drops in beside a group of Troopers, shooting two of them, before they even reach for their blasters. The other two turn around to face her, she nods, pointing, "Behind you!"

"Ha, I'm not gonna fall for–" one of the Troopers says, only for his helmet to be slammed against his partners.

The Lasat picks up the Imperial droid, tucking it under his arm, walking over for the Ghost, from which Chopper wheels out.

"I know you can do this, Chopper," Ezra calls encouragingly.

The droid grumbles at him, rolling for the Imperial shuttle. Once he arrives, he's met with two Trooper guards. "There's the courier. Where's his escort?" one of the Stormtroopers questions.

"Not our problem. We're running late as it is," the other responds.

"BN-749 to pilot. Courier is aboard."

The astromech wheels into the shuttle, entering the room.

"You're late, 264. Plug in," A crewmember demands. C1-10P places his probe into a port, hooking to the Imperial network, "Where's the data? I'm not seeing it on my monitor." Chopper continues scanning, only for the crewmember to reach out for the droid, "Hold it. You're not authorized to copy communication logs."

"What's the problem here?" an officer inquires.

"This droid is malfunctioning, sir."

Chopper pushes his antenna up, spinning it rapidly in circles, signalling for the Ghost.

The officer leans down, "Mmm, looks like an older model. You better check its encryption codes." The shuttle rocks wildly to the side, as blaster fire slams against it. "We're under attack!"

The astromech races from the room, heading for the airlock. Stormtrooper's chase him, shooting at him the whole way. The droid waves his arms wildly, smacking the airlock release button. The Troopers, and droid go floating in open space.

Chopper starts his rocket , moving quickly in the direction of the Ghost. Hera swoops over for him, the ramp lowering in time for the astromech to float through.

"That was amazing, Chopper!" Ezra praises.

"Not bad, not bad," Zeb states, as Chopper wheels angrily for the Imperial droid. "He was actually a big help around here while you were off spying. I say we keep him." The astromech runs right at the other droid, shoving him through the ramp, just as it closes. "I should've seen that coming."

Ezra smiles, pushing to his feet. He walks for the cockpit, collapsing into Kanan's chair, looking up at the Captain.

"I'm proud of you," she tells him, after jumping to hyperspace, "You stepped up and took the lead. Kanan has taught you well." The Twi'lek places a hand on his shoulder.

"So have you," comes his retort.

Sabine enters the room, Chopper and Zeb on her tail, "I think we found something. Keen and Kanan are on Governor Tarkin's Destroyer, the Sovereign. It's still here above Lothal, but it's scheduled to leave soon."

"Where to?" Hera asks, preparing to set course.

"The Mustafar system? I've never heard of it." Sabine sees the Twi'lek's face, "Hera?"

"I've only heard that name once. From Kanan. He said Mustafar is where Jedi go to die."

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