Chapter 2

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It's now lunch period and I'm sitting at a table alone. Great. I put my head down and wait till lunch is over.

"Hey a pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting all alone" I look up and see someone I don't recognize.

"Who are you?" I ask. He laughs.

"Peter of course" He says.

"That's great, go away" I tell Him. I'm not in the mood for people like him. He grabs me by my arm and drags me out of the lunch room. He slams me against the locker.

He's about to punch me when Toby steps in front of me and takes the hit. His nose starts to bleed. Toby repeatedly punches Eric. Eric is soon knocked out so Toby turns to me, Blood dripping down his face.

"Oh my god are you ok? I saw you get slammed against the locker" Toby asks, his eyes full of concern.

"Toby are you stupid or something! Why would you do that!" I ask him. He shakes his head and laughs.

"Your never gonna learn are you Bea? I care about you" He says. We look into each others eyes for a while until Eric starts to wake up.

"Eric, Four, Tris, principles office now!" Mrs. Harley snaps. We slowly make our way to the principles office. I wonder who it is. We walk into the office and see Tori.  We sit down and she stares at us.

"So anyone gonna tell me what happened?" Tori asks. Toby speaks up. "Eric was about to punch her, so I stepped in front of her and took the blow myself. I couldn't let her get hurt. So then I start punching Eric and he passes out but then he wakes up, and here we are" Toby says. Tori nods.

"Eric 2 weeks of detention" She says. "As for you two" she says pointing at me and Toby. "I wish i could have seen it!" She says bursting out laughing. Toby and I started  laughing too when Eric stormed out of the office.

"Okay now we must get to music class" Tori says. She's our music teacher. We walk with Tori to music. This should be fun.

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