Chapter 27

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*please read Authors Note at end*

(Tris POV)

Before the beginning of 1st period I drag Tobias into a closet.

"What are you doing?" He asks turning on the light.

"Why are you limping and why is your face
bruised, what's wrong? And don't tell me it's nothing!" I ask him. He sighs and takes off his shirt.

"Woah there tiger I didn't ask you to undress!" I say playfully hitting his chest. He rolls his eyes and looks down. I follow his eyes and see his stomach is covered in bruises. I gasp.

"That's not the worst part" he says turning around. That's when I see it. His back is covered in huge cuts and lashes.

"Who did this to you?" I ask him. A tear slips down his cheek and I wipe it away.

"My father" he whispers. What! I thought Marcus was a great father!

"When did this start?" I ask.

"Last night"

"Why didn't your mom stop him?" I expect more from Evelyn. Then he tells me the story about how she left and the bell rings.

"Well I've got to get to class. Please don't tell anyone!" He says opening the door. I nod.

"I won't" I reply.


"I promise."


I'm walking to my locker when I bump into Lauren. Her books fall and everyone's eyes are on us. Probably expecting a fight thats not gonna happen because I'm not gonna let it.

"Watch where your going slut!" She screams picking up her books. I roll my eyes.

"Sorry" I say but mutter the last part, "Yeah, I'm the slut" I think she hears me because she laughs.

"At least I'm not pregnant" she sneers picking up her last book. Gasps roll through the hall. Along with whispers like 'She really is a slut!' And 'she's pregnant, this young?'

But all I'm thinking about is how did she find out? The only people who know are the gang and my family. None of them would tell her, I think.

"That's enough" Tobias says pushing his way through the crowd. An evil grin spreads on Lauren's face.

"Oh look heres the father of her child coming to protect them" Lauren yells through the hall. Laughs echo through the hall. I ignore them.

"Tris lets go!" Tobias whispers to me glaring at Lauren. He grabs my hand and starts to get me out of the circle when Lauren calls after us.

"I know Your secret too Eaton" Lauren sneers.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" He shouts over his shoulder walking towards the crowd, away from Lauren.

"I know about the scars on your body, the ones your dad gave you and I know about your mother too, how she left you and your sister" Tobias stops in his tracks. Everyone is silent waiting for something to happen. His grib on my hand tightens as he turns around.

"Who told you?" He whispers his voice shaking with anger. Her eyes shift to me and soon so do Tobias's.

"Let's just say, a little butterfly told me. A very little butterfly" Lauren says looking straight at me. Tobias eyes flash with millions of emotions. Hurt, betrayal, sadness, anger........

That's when it all makes sense. Lauren is setting me up. She's trying to get Tobias to think I told her about his parents. I shake my head at him.

"Four don't believe her. She's tricking you." I say putting a hand on his cheek. He gently takes my hand off and I let it fall to my side.

"Then how did she find out if your the only one that knew" he whispers. That's the only part that I can't seem to understand.

"I...... I don't know" I say truthfully. He shakes his head at me and walks out of the circle and disappears into the crowd.


hug&Kisses Kaylie🌼

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