Chapter 15

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*Monday morning*

I wake with my face lying on my soaking wet pillow. After I heard what tris and Christiana said I sent everyone home and haven't talked to anyone since. Today though, I have to face it all.


I've ignored everyone so far today. Tris didn't even try to approach me. Probably because it would be to hard seeing me when she knows what she is about to do. Right now I'm standing infront of the lunch doors.

I don't have to go in. I can just turn around and walk away from the pain I'm about to feel. I almost turn around. I almost do. But instead I push the lunch room doors open and walk in with my head held high. I'm not a coward.

I bite my lip as I sit down between tris and lynn. It was the only seat left.

"What's wrong four? You haven't talked to anyone all day man" Zeke says. A stone forms in my throat.

"Nothing I just don't feel good" I lie. They nod and go back to their food. Besides tris. She just stares at it like it makes her sick. Anger boils inside me.

"Aren't you gonna eat. You always eat lunch.
Almost as much as Uriah" I ask trying to keep my voice cool but it comes out more muffled. Tris shakes her head and looks away. Probably cause she can't stand knowing what she's about to do. I turn to talk to Lynn but hear a chair push out from behind me. It's time.

Tris walks up to the stage in front of the lunch room. She taps the microphone and the conversations die. My heart drops and I squeeze my eyes shut to try to keep the pain away.

"I would like to say" Tris starts. "That....I....I um..... I- I can't do this" she runs to the lunch room doors and pushes them open. She storms out. Chris snorts.

"I knew she couldn't do it" Chris says.

"Do what?" I snarl even though I already know. Chris looks at me and gulps. My anger gets the best of me. I pull her up and slam her against the wall behind us. Gasps spread through the lunch room but I ignore it.

"I know what you did" I yell in her face. "How could you!"

"There is more to it then you think" she spits out.

"Oh really? What then huh Cristiana what?" I ask. I still have her pinned against the wall.

"Ask her" she tells me. I slam her against the wall one more time then turn around. I look around and see the shocked faces of my friends. Will rushes to Christiana's side. He gives me a look of disgust. I wonder if I should go after tris. My love for tris is stronger then my anger for her so I run out the lunch room doors.

I round a corner and see tris hugging her knees to her chest crying. I sit next to her but don't touch her. Half of me wants to but half of me is still angry.

"I'm sorry" she manages to choke out.

"Why would you do that?" I ask her.

"I need the information and her resources" Tris says.

"What?" I ask her.

"Listen, I've been doing some research on this girl named Jeanine Matthew's. Way before I even moved back here. She's the one who's looking for us. She has a whole lab army. Chris has a guy on the inside. There's this guy named Eric who works for Jeanine. Eric is giving Chris information on how Jeanine plans to find us and what she plans on doing when she does. Eric is the resource we need. Chris said she would tell me Eric's information if I went out with you. I agreed because I really wanted this information." Tris explains. I let what she said sink in.

"Did you ever even love me?" I ask shouting now. Tears form in my eyes. "Or was that another one of your lies?"

"I realized I did all along after I got my memory back. In the car on the way back back from the hospital, before I remembered, I realized I was falling in love with you. So when I got my memory back and remembered the dare I realized that what I said was true. I loved you. I love you" Tris says.

"I love you too but it's gonna take me a while to trust you again" I say truthfully. She nods.

"I know" she says. And she does. She knows. She knows what it feels like to be betrayed. She knows because of the person she despises most.


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